Chapter 1 | Unpleasant News

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     Today was meant to be a normal, average day with no intense problems.  You were supposed to go to your Arithmancy class, go back to your common room and finish your homework with no problems what so ever.  Instead, Lily has decided to drag you off into the girls room while you were halfway through your homework.  

     "Lily whatever-your-middlename-is Evans, you better have a good explanation for this." You growled as the red head pulled you both into the girls dorm onto her bed.  Looking around to make sure no one else was in the room, she allowed a giddy smile to form on her face.

     "James asked me out today." She said, an amused expression plastered on your face.

     "That's it?  The boy has been asking you out since first year.  I mean-"

     "And I said yes!" You froze.  Slowly, your eyes widened as your brows furrowed, hands pulling at your hair.  

     "What?  You're joking, right?  You're not joking?  Oh my merlin.  Am I still alive or is this the cold embrace of death I feel?  No, i'm obviously in a different dimension...I mean it's not completely impossible-"


     "What was the point of saying no then?  Were you just waiting for the perfect moment and for some reason it took James six years to do so?  Are you just trying to pull a horribly mean prank on him?  Oh my gosh, did he slip a potion into your juice this morning at breakfast?"


     "That must be the only logical answer.  That or you have become like all those other girls who ignore guys, then complain about not being noticed, then say yes to them just to break up with them like a week later!"

     "(Y/n)!" You broke out of your shock as you looked at Lily, who was red from both embarrassment and anger.  "I said yes because he finally is mature enough to actually like me, not just the idea of me."  Guilt took over.

     "Wow, Lils.  That was way more sentimental than how I thought you would respond."  You commented.  "I mean, i'm happy.  You've liked him for forever.  It's just sudden."

     "Why do you care so much about it?" She questioned, looking at you with an intense gaze.

     "James and Sirius Black are a combo deal.  You get one, you get the other.  Both of them happen to be the leaders of the 'Marauders'." your voice went high in a mocking tone as you said the groups name. "So basically, you've been sucked into the hole of rebellious teen hormones.  I, happen to be your best friend.  Which means I, too, will be sucked into this black hole of despair."  Lily looked at you with an amazed expression.

     "You hold back no punches.  They're not that bad!"

     "They're not that bad." you mocked.  "That's like saying a Mandrakes scream is the equivalent to an angry baby!"  

     "A weird comparison to go with, but sure." Lily said.  "Look, I promise not to ruin our lives with the Marauders.  Okay?"

     "Pinky promise." You demanded, holding out your hand.  Lily rolled her eyes before wrapping her pinky around yours.

     "Pinky promise.  There, happy?"  You nodded, slowly standing up.  

     "Now, as a form of payment, you have to listen to me gush about numerology and help me with my homework.  No buts!" You grabbed her by the hand before rushing down stairs back into the common room to where your homework was, only to be greeted by the devil himself.  

     "Lily!"  James exclaimed, jumping up from his seat on the couch only to fall off of it, all of the boys laughing.

     "Oh.  My.  Merlin."  You muttered, your homework everywhere on the ground.  Lily caught on to your irritation and sent you a pleasing look as you sighed.  "I'm fine.  This is fine.  Everything is fine."  You whispered, stomping past the boys to the coffee table in the middle of them.

     "(Y/n)!" You looked down at James in irritation.  

     "What?" You attempted to say kindly.

     "Was that your homework?" He questioned, his glasses askew on his face.  You nodded, your jaw clenched.

     "I told you to be more careful." Remus said in the back, already picking up loose papers.  

     "I'm sorry." James said as you froze.  Did James Potter just say i'm sorry?  "I have declared I must be kind to Lily's friends as well."  Pushing aside the fact he would laugh at you if you weren't Lily's friend, you smiled and nodded.  

     "Well thank you." You said, walking over to pick up your homework.  

     'Sorry.' Remus mouthed as he handed you the papers.  You shrugged, sending him a smile before walking over to Lily who was now speaking to James. 

     "Back upstairs we go." You muttered.

     "Hey, (l/n)." You visibly tensed as you gripped at the paper in your hands.  Turning around slowly, you were met with the amused eyes of Sirius.

     "What, Black." You hissed.  He grinned at your reaction as he leaned back in the chair he was in, resting his feet on the coffee table.

     "Now that our best friends are dating, we ought to be nice to one another."  Your nose twitched.

       "I wouldn't be too optimistic." You replied cooly, the boy lazily smiling in response.  He shrugged, fixing his jacket.  

     "Your loss." Your eyebrows furrowed in disgust as Lily grabbed you by the arm, pulling both of you into the corner of the common room, by the large table.  Setting your things down, you ignored the glare of death she was giving you.

     "I thought you said you would play nice." She scolded.

     "Not to him." You gestured over to Sirius.  "I'm sure he was the one to kick the papers off the desk.  He never takes things seriously, either.  He's just...ugh!"

     "You're too dramatic!" Lily complained as you leaned on the back legs of your chair.  

     "I always knew I had what it takes to go big!" You exclaimed, putting on large fake smile.  

     "Well, I am going to go talk to them.  You can do your homework."  You instantly sat up.

     "But you said you would-"

     "I know what I said.  You also said you would be nice to them.  Eye for an eye, my dear friend." Lily walked off before you could respond as you sadly watched her walk away.  Sirius made eye contact with you and snickered as you sent him a glare of death before turning back to your homework.  You were going to win this war.

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