Chapter 8 | Lies

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     When you arrived at Hogsmeade and stepped of the train, a sudden realization hit you. While the steam and smoke from the train burned your nose and warmed your body, you looked around at all the friends with linked arms or adoring couples holding hands. Lily Evans, your partner in crime and best friend, was on a date with James Potter.

     As a result, you were left to fend for your own. A part of you wanted to slap yourself. When have you become so dependent on her? The other part of you was sobbing like a baby. As heavy sigh left your lips before you began to walk, the cool autumn wind blowing your hair around. Your eyes scanned the shops, and you glanced at the tea shop, Molly and Arthur already sitting and chatting. 

     Oh where, oh where would your beloved red head have her date? You began to wonder about the question, only you saw the oh so familiar Honeydukes. You could feel your mouth begin to water as you dug your hand into the pocket of your jacket. 

     You had close to no money, but just enough to get a chocolate frog and some Pepper Imps. You didn't even like the taste of them, but you loved the face of your friends when you pretended to cough before breathing fire at them. A small snort left you as you tried to contain your laughter at the thought before sneaking towards the color pastel building. 

     It was warm inside and you were thankful for the sweet smell that filled your nose. Younger kids were running around and trying to debate what to buy. A few muggle borns could be seen suspiciously eyeing the candy as you smiled softly without noticing. 

     You remembered being in their shoes. Everything seemed surreal, too good to be true. But as you stood as a sixth year and stalked around for your beloved treats that you have grown to love, you remembered that you weren't just a muggle born anymore. Sometime while at Hogwarts you had become a witch, and a damn good one at that, and your fellow students had become your family. Save for a few rude Slytherins. 

     The sound of the cashier calling out 'Miss' snapped you out of your daydream as you quickly set your two items on the table, apologizing. The woman sent you a smile before telling you the amount of your items. Your stomach dropped.

     The prices changed. A lot. 

     'Stupid, stupid, stupid.' You cursed, debating on which item to get rid of. Pranks or chocolate? You sighed, knowing the choice was obvious as you went to put the Pepper Imps back when the smell of leather and cologne made you freeze and look behind you. Black stood there and raised a brow at you.

     "I am not in the mood for this." You hissed, embarrassment evident on your features. He sighed and dropped some of his money on the table. For a moment you didn't react, unsure of what to say or do. But when the cashier and him looked at you with a look that said 'hurry up', you quickly dropped your money on the counter with Sirius' before grabbing your items and scurrying out of the shop.

     "Most people would say thank you." Sirius said, a smirk playing on his lips.

    "Thanks for showing up when the stupid poor girl can't pay for her own shit." You seethed. Regret hit you like a brick wall the second those words left your lips. You crossed your arms before glancing up at him to see he didn't have any reaction to your words.

     "You're welcome." he said, a smile spreading on his face.

     "Why are you here?" 

     "Because I felt like it?"


     "Because my friend is out snogging your friend." he taunted. "Speaking of which, I wonder where they went off to." His nose scrunched up as he stood up straight, scanning the crowd around you. 

     "Well I don't know either." 

     "Have fun with your pity party then, i'm off to go find them." Sirius said with a salute and grin, spinning on his heel so he was no longer facing you and walking off. For some reason you felt more alone than before as you watched him walk off. You had nothing to do and couldn't even afford to go sit down for a bit and eat. As if he could hear your thoughts, Sirius stopped abruptly and slowly looked at you. "Wanna come?" he asked. The way he said it let you know that he knew you were feeling left out.

     "Uh...yeah..yup." You squeezed the bag of sweets you had closer to your body before quickly skipping after him, walking near him when you caught up. Sirius sniffed the air as you glanced at him. "You okay there?"

     "You didn't buy anything with honey, did you?" he drawled, staring at you. A blush spread over you cheeks as you were once again hit with embarrassment.

     "Shit...I've been wearing this new perfume for this year and...uh...yeah." You said. "God, I look so stupid today." You looked at the ground and waited for him to make fun of you, but he once again surprised you.

     "No, it smells good." A small amount of relief fell upon you. "And you looks stupid all the time, so it's fine."

     "So sweet."

     "Charming, aren't I?"

     The sound of Lily and James laughing made you both shut up and snap your heads in the direction of your respective best friends. 

      "They're gonna see us, come on!" Sirius grabbed your wrist and pulled you behind a building so you could peak past the corner.

     "The hell? I thought you were just gonna say hello before going off somewhere."

     "Where's the fun in that?" He rebutted. "Besides, do you think I would drag you with me to go somewhere? You aren't exactly the definition of fun." The way he said the second part was surprisingly dark, your stomach twisting. When you didn't respond you found him looking back at you. "Sorry." he muttered, still staring. There was a moment of silence before he spoke up again. "This jacket was really expensive and I may or may not have bought if for the exact reason I said I did because it wasn't actually a joke but you didn't like it so i'm a little sad and ticked off about that but I shouldn't-"

     "You actually bought a leather jacket because I smelled it in the love potion?" You blurted. He rolled his eyes.

     "Well when you put it like that."

      "Yeah, (Y/N), when you put it like that." You heard James mimic, Sirius' face clenching as he bit his lip before slowly turning around to see his best friend. "Were you spying on me, dear friend?"

     "No, dear pal o' mine." Sirius said.

     "(Y/N)?" Lily questioned.


     "We were snogging." Sirius blurted.

     "Five feet apart, facing opposite directions?" James questioned, leaning on the brick wall.

     "He didn't finish!" You exclaimed, Lily and James' eyes on you. "We were snogging...with our words and brains. Debate."

     "So snogging...mentally....means debating?" Lily asked, amused.

     "Do you really think Sirius has the mental capacity or vocabulary range required to actually explain debate? As a matter of fact he helped me buy some things," your raised your bag for emphasis, "and we had a debate on whether or not money can affect personality. We went into this alley because-"

     "Point is, it's not like everything that happens revolves around you." Sirius said with a laugh as he slapped James on the back. The two snickered as Lily stared at you, a smirk on her face. There was a lie you've been telling, and it wasn't about the stalking.

     You had a crush on the same man you thought you hated.

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