Chapter 9 | Awkward

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AN: It's been like a year since the last update but take a singular chapter whOOPS. Different note, the bar scene happened with me when I last visited Hogwarts in California! Also half of this was written before I left so that explains how terrible this chapter is and why I had no clue what to do with it.

      It wasn't your idea to go to the Three Broomsticks yet you found yourself awkwardly walking next to Sirius as Lily and James acted all gross and...coupley. You didn't know what you were expecting after being dragged to go on their date adventure, but for some reason watching them flirt and be handsy wasn't on their list. Maybe it's because you thought they had public decency? 

     When you looked over at Sirius his face was scrunched up, his mouth pressed to the side as he looked at James and Lily.

     "Antsy to go snog some random girl?" You asked, his head turning to face you.

     "How did you know?" He asked.

     "Lucky guess?" He smirked and as a result and a strange feeling settled in your stomach. Damn Lily just had to come and make you feel your own emotions like some...human. "Sure there's gotta be some unrespectful girl in there."

     "Jealous, are you?" he hummed. You elbowed him and a laugh left him, your brain going blank. Sirius Black laughed. You have never heard him laugh, just chuckle. It was deep and loud and his eyes scrunched up when he-no. Nope he is ugly. Disgusting. Gross. He fake wiped away a tear, and slung an arm around you. "Well, you could be the girl I sn-" 

     "No." You hissed. All levels of attraction you felt a moment ago just completely vanished. Amazing. "I'm good." 

     "Sad day. You really know how to break my heart." Sirius teased.

     "We're here, stop being gross Sirius." James said, turning to look at his friend as his glasses slipped down his nose.

     "To be fair, (Y/N) here is getting pretty nasty herself." Sirius said, glancing at you.

    "Oh shut it!" You groaned. 

     "Must be true, she's already offended," Lily teased as you narrowed your eyes at her. 

     "Says the woman who was snogging her boyfriends face off seconds ago. Am I the only one with a sense of decency around here?"

      "Yes," James and Sirius spoke in unison while you and Lily rolled your eyes as you entered the  building and got a booth. The pub was filled with drinking men and teens making out on every visible surface.

      "This must feel like home for you, huh Sirius?" You asked, battering your eyelashes at him innocently. He elbowed you as he rolled his eyes. James was staring at Sirius with a raised brow, making Sirius turn his head as you settled in your seats. Lily stared at you in turn. 

     Feeling awkward in the new found tension (with seemingly no explanation), you quickly stood. 

     "Who wants butter beer?" You asked. Everyone raised their hands. "Hot or c-"

     "Cold." they said in unison. 

     "I'll come with."  Sirius said, standing up. You were about to open your mouth to protest but he shot you a look that instantly made you close your mouth. He brushed your shoulder as he walked past you to the bar. You realized why he wanted to come. A woman, clearly drunk, demanded fire whiskey.  Sirius leaned on the counter, providing a buffer between you and the woman. You rolled your eyes. Of course he would want a front seat to the action.

     "If i'm gonna pay for it, give it!" She lunged at the bartender who roller their eyes. 

      "If you're this drunk we can't-"

     "Bloody hell!" Before the woman could cause a bigger scene, Sirius tapped the counter with his knuckles.

     "Hello, yes, over here, two innocent teenagers would like to have four glasses of iced butter beer, please and thank you." Sirius said, grinning at the obviously relieved bar tender before raising a brow at the drunk woman. You peered over Sirius' shoulder to look at her. 

     "Someone has poor ration control," You joked under your breath. Sirius nearly laughed until the woman looked at you. She staggered over, pointing a finger at your chest until Sirius moved over to block her again. It proved to be a big enough buffer since she toppled over from losing her balance as the butter beers were set down. You quickly grabbed two mugs, Sirius grabbing the others, before you both fast walked back to the book where James was laughing hysterically. 

     "You nearly got beaten up by a old drunkard!" He sputtered, wiping away a fake tear.

     "Eh, I was ready." Sirius shrugged with a goofy smirk again.

     "You just had to come with to get a front seat, huh," You teased, sipping your butter beer. He bit his lip as his grin went lopside.

     "It ain't fun from a distance," he replied, voice faltering as James rolled his eyes once more. You decided to dismiss their weird behavior once more as you looked at Lily.

     "Do you wanna visit the book store with me after this?" Lily nodded furiously as you awkwardly returned to your butter beer again. 


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