Chapter 10 | Suspicions

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(AN: I'm laughing so hard, I've had to look through at least forty different romance titles to find the worst ones ever. I am both delighted and mentally scared. Please don't look these up. Just don't, I'm not responsible enough for this.)

     Lily was true to her word and the second you finished your butter beer she practically dragged you out of the booth. You weren't going to complain though. The air was filled with a strange tension that only you seemed to be oblivious to.

     "Oh my Merlin," Lily uttered, more to herself than you. You followed her before she stopped outside the book store, pacing in front of the window as to actually entering the establishment.


     "Merlin's beard!"

     "What!" You hissed, crossing your arms. Lily turned to look at you over her shoulder slowly before rushing and grabbing you by the arms.

     "Sirius likes you!" The look on her face was unreadable as you laughed.

     "Sirius likes his socks then, too," You joked, Lily grimacing.

     "Ew, and second of all, I mean really likes you. James was gawking the entire time," Lily argued.

     "Sirius likes to flirt with me, just like he does with everyone."

     "He went with you to protect you from those stupid drunkards! He wanted to keep you safe because he likes you," you went to debate with her but Lily covered your mouth. "Do not argue with me on this. It's so obvious," you rolled your eyes. Lily frowned. "Do you not believe me because you think I'm lying, because you don't serious to like you, or because you have a hard time believing anyone could like you?" You turned to glare at her.

     "Sirius is Sirius, that's it," you stuck out your tongue at the end of your statement as Lily sighed.

    "Whatever, let's just get some books," Lily groaned. Your eyes trailed back at the pub in the distance before you followed her in. You quickly found the other half of the Marauders, Peter holding a pair of binoculars.

     "Are you going to give it back or not?" Remus thwacked Peter on the back of the head.

    "Are you spying?" Lily asked, Remus peering over his shoulder.

    "Well we were on you, but then Prongs decided to start strangling Padfoot," Peter explained. 

     "What?" Remus snatched the binoculars back and peered through them. "Bloody hell, he's gone blue in the face," Remus uttered, face contorting as he pulled back. Lily smirked as she stared at you.

     "Shut it," You hissed, pushing her away. "Remus, I always took you for one to actually enjoy reading books, not someone who used their stores to be a creep."

     "Maybe I'm trying to use this for inspiration to write a book," Remus retorted. You shrugged looking through the rows of fiction. "Lily, I bet I can find the worst romance novel in here to give you."

     "I bet I can find the worst one," she joined you in the shelves. 

     "Bets on. And we have to read it," You declared. You shook hands before going off to find the worst books. When you got your hands on a book titled 'Mad, Bad, and Dangerous in Plaid,' you deemed that you had, indeed, found the worst book. You quickly bought it and attempted to avoid the gaze of the cashier before settling on the bench next to Peter and Remus as Lily eyed you across the store thoughtfully.

     "What the hell did you buy?" Remus asked, a snort leaving Peter.

     "It's actually for Sirius, ya see. But you can borrow it, Remus," you winked as he rolled his eyes, Lily suddenly walking up to you.

    "Time to swap, (Y/N)," She stated, handing her book towards you. You both exchanged books and you couldn't keep the laugh in you. 'The Bull Riders Christmas Baby," was written in curly white lettering over a god awful cover. 

     "I regret this," You stated. Lily might have possibly one upped you. "Y'know when Sirius finds out about this he will never let me live this down."

     "Maybe you'll have a Bull Rider Christmas Baby romance," Lily said as you kicked her. God no.

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