Chapter 6 | Constellations

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     You struggled to carry the multiple scrolls of paper and books in your arms, stopping every few seconds to keep something from falling, much to the annoyance of Sirius. 

     "We're never going to make it up the stairs at this rate."  Sirius sighed.  "Just let me carry something."  He said, going to grab some of the stuff.

     "No!  I don't need your help!  This is fine..."  You said through grit teeth.  Sirius rolled his eyes before quickly seizing half of the pile before you could do anything.

     "Why do you have to be so stubborn?"  He complained.  

     "Why do you have to be so annoying?"  You retorted.

     "I wish you'd fall down these stairs."

     "I wish you'd spill ink in your eyes."  

     "Too bad you didn't choke on that biscuit earlier."

     "Too bad you-" You let out a yelp as your foot slipped, Sirius quickly grabbing your arm before you fell down the stairs, causing the ink on the top of the pile to tip over.  Both of you stared at it with wide eyes, praying it didn't leak.  Both of you let out a sigh of relief when it didn't spill.  "Okay, let's stop with that."  You whispered quickly.

     "Yup, great idea."  Sirius said, both of you cautiously walking up the stairs until you reached the tower.  Both of you practically dropped what you were holding, not caring if anything broke. Your arms hurt from the weight and now felt limp.  Raising your arms above your head, you stretched before pulling out a map and heading towards the telescope.  "Can you set up the paper for the project?"  You asked, moving the telescope down to where you could easily look through it while sitting on the ground.  

     When you didn't hear his response, you turned around.  Could he seriously not even set up a map?  Ready to yell at him, you saw everything laid out surprisingly neat with Sirius looking at you with a raised eyebrow and smug smirk on his face.

     "Don't trust me?"  He prodded as you sat down, rolling your eyes.

     "Take a guess."  You muttered.  Grabbing a quill, you drew a line down the middle of the parchment.  "I'll do the right half, you do the left.  That was you get the all so precious 'Sirius'." you teased.

     "Today is a blessed day!"  He cheered.  You scoffed before the two of you went to work, Sirius doing overly simple drawings of the stars.  But you couldn't complain, he was still doing his job.  "How do you draw so tiny?"  Sirius asked, stopping to watch you fill in the details of the stars.  "And so well?"  You grinned as he said this, sitting up and resting your hand.

     "I take art.  It's more fun than people think.  I'm assuming your good at charms?"  You asked causing him to proudly nod.  "Well then this project can actually be really impressive if we actually try."  You began to daydream about the project.  "Probably procrastinate though."

     "The  great (F/n) (L/n) can do such a thing!?"  Sirius exclaimed in fake shock.  

     "Whatever!"  You laughed.  Laying down on the ground, you sighed, looking at the stars above.  "For how boring astrology is, it's still gorgeous.  All the stars."  You commented, Sirius leaning back on an arm.

     "Getting sappy already?"  Sirius asked.  

     "Don't get your hopes up."  After a while of you sitting in an oddly comforting silence, you spoke up.  "We should head back before Filch finds us after curfew and beats us with a boot."  You joked, Sirius chucking.

     "I wish that was just a joke."  He said, rolling up the map and corking the ink.  You fixed the telescope before going to help him carry some the objects, only for him to grab all the things at once and stand up.

     "Uh..."  You muttered, watching as he shot you a lopsided grin.  

     "I got it.  Your arms are sore anyways."  He said as you slyly smiled.

     "Aw, does the proud Sirius Black want to help lil ol' me?"  You said, this causing him to roll his eyes.

     "Do you want to do this?"  he asked.

     "Yes!  That's why I offered!"  before you could finish your sentence, Sirius walked away and started down the stairs.

     "LALALA can't hear you!"  He yelled as you sighed before following him, although you couldn't help but smile.

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