Chapter 13 | Familial Ties

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     It turned out Sirius' offer to hold your hand was well needed as the six of you creeped through out Hogwarts at night. You had never sneaked out before, and the halls being completely empty had you on edge. So much so that you were squeezing Sirius' hand so hard you thought you might break it. 

     As you were walking down one hall way James suddenly motioned for you all to lean against the wall as he creeped ahead of Remus. He peered around the corner before uttering 'Lumos', his wand gently glowing.

    "I think...I see something...wait, what, RAH!" James suddenly whirled around and yelled, throwing his hands in the air. Peter screamed, Lily punched him in the chest, and Remus jumped twelve feet in the air. Your own eyes nearly bulged out of your head as you leapt towards Sirius, gripping his shirt in your hands. A scowl was on his face as he stared at James.

     "The hell, Prongs?" Sirius seethed. His arm wrested around your waist, keeping you against him.

     "Just thought I'd make things interesting," the boy lazily shrugged. You frowned at him before promptly realizing how warm Sirius was compared to the cold halls, which in turn made you realize you were still clinging onto him like a little girl. He, however, remained oblivious, growing increasingly more frustrated at James.

     "Remus said it was already dangerous," Sirius argued, James growing confused.

     "Well, yeah, but...when has that ever bothered you?" James questioned. Sirius stuttered, jaw twitching as he struggled to find his response. That's when there was a the sweetest, subtlest meow in the world that came from behind you. You and Sirius turned around.

     Mrs. Norris. 

     "James!" Sirius yelled.

    "No time, this way!" Remus shouted, waving for you all to follow. Sirius yanked you after him, nearly ripping your arm out of your socket as you fumbled to keep up. Of course it wouldn't be easy. Why would it be easy? The one time you sneak out of the commons, on your records. Forever! You felt delusional, sick, and panicked, the factors only making you hold onto Sirius tighter like he was your life line. In a weird way, he kind of was in the moment.

      "We should go down the main stairs," Remus said.

      "Are you insane? We should cut through the abandoned class rooms and sneak down the side stairs!"

     "But the stairs could make it so he virtually can't reach us," Remus argued.

     "And what if we miss one?" Sirius hissed. Remus paused in silence. The choice was coming up, and fast. James frowned, Remus pulling at his hair in thought before darting towards the main stairs. Sirius frowned. "Lily, please, come on-" she stared at you with wide eyes before James pulling her after him. "Bloody- fine, come on," Sirius headed towards the abandoned hallway. 

     "Where are we going?" You panicked. The walls were black and it was now impossible for you to see without your wand. Sirius felt you fumbling for it.

     "Just wait a sec," he warned before messing with the handle of a door. He managed to open it before ushering you inside and closing it. "Colloportus," he whispered, making a rectangular motion before collapsing, back sliding down the door as he sat down. You were both breathing quietly, and you realized you were sweating as you joined him on the floor. 

     "Lumos," you muttered, allowing your wand to light up your surroundings. You were in a rotting classroom. It looked to be a storage room now for DADA, which...certainly did not help with your uneasiness. You sat on the floor with Sirius, leaning against the book shelf perpendicular to him, your legs overlapping his. You set your wand on the floor.

     "Chose to trust me, huh?" Sirius asked, looking at you.

     "I mean, you were pulling me after you, but yeah. I trust you. With this, at least," You elaborated. He nodded, head falling back to hit the door with a thud. You frowned. He You reached for his hand, setting yours on top. He closed his eyes. "Why are you so worried? Never took you for the cautious type," you commented. He swallowed thickly before laughing a little, looking at you. He looked slightly embarrassed. If you didn't know better one might argue his pale cheeks looked a little red. One who didn't know you both had been sprinting for a god awful time.

     "I'm, uh, not," he chuckled, rubbing the back of neck. "I was just,," he trailed off, staring at your hands. "I just don't want you to be caught by Filch," he said. "It's all fun and games unless you have a clean record and it's your sixth year," he commented. You felt your heart tinge with some emotion that almost hurt. 

     "You were worried about me?" you couldn't help the smile that broke out on your face. Sirius Black, the Sirius Black, was worried about you. He smiled back at you. 

     "Worried you'd fall and trip on your face."

     "Guess you could say I fell for you, then," you teased. He laughed a little before standing up, meandering around the classroom. "Think he'll get them?" You asked, wrapping your arms around yourself as goosebumps crawled up your skin. He glanced back at you as he helped up a jar holding...something in it.

     "Nah," he shook his head. "We have this policy where if one of us gets caught no one else sacrifices themselves. But we also have a policy of whoever fault it is we get caught sacrifices themselves," he said. "So that leaves James," he shrugged with a grin. "I can just throw a dung bomb into Muggle Studies and be with him."

     "Aw, romantic," you cooed as he rolled his eyes. 

    "Take a look," he nodded at the shelf he was staring at. You watched him for a moment before rising and peeking over his shoulder. He was looking at the cover of a weathered book. "I wrote a book," he tossed it towards you. It did, as a matter of fact, read Sirius Black as the author.

     "Family name?" you asked. He shrugged as he leaned agains the shelf. 

    "They got a weird thing for astronomy," he said. "And being assholes."

     "What's it like?" You questioned. He stared at you.


     "Being...being from a pureblood family," you whispered. You felt hesitant. Worried. But you wanted to know. He stared at you intently before looking at the floor.

     "What's it like being a muggle born?" he questioned, looking up at you. You swallowed, sitting on a desk across from him, holding the book on your lap.

     "I don't think people want me here sometimes," you shrug. "When I was little some pure blood Slytherins wrote Mud blood all over my trunk," you confessed, cringing at the name. Sirius looked away, as if he were guilty somehow.

     "My parents hated that I wasn't a Slytherin," he said. "'All Blacks are Slytherins, and if you're not a Slytherin, you're not a Black,'" Sirius quoted what you assumed to be his father as he lowered his voice an octave. "Now they just hate me," you stared at him softly. "But it's cool, though. I want them to," he hissed. You could tell he was getting upset. 

     "We could always sneak up to the Astronomy Tower and work on our project...and draw all the stars of the names of people in your family with ugly faces," you offered. He gave you a lopsided grin.

     "Only if I get to draw dicks," he teased. You rolled your eyes.

     "Fine, but if I catch one on our final project you're good as dead."

     "The sacrifices I make for humor," he muttered, wrapping an arm around your shoulder as he unlocked the door, making sure Filch was nowhere to be seen before you both made your way to the tower.

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