Chapter 7 | Love Lives

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AN:  Okay, but if you want an angsty Sirius x Reader song look up Another Love by Tom Odell.  This book is gonna turn angsty half way through too...

     You watched Snape suspiciously as you sipped your soup, glaring at him when he so much as glanced in your direction.  Eventually Lily caught on, glancing behind her to see him before sighing.

     "Just drop it."  She said.

     "Okay, no.  He called us mudbloods but more specifically called you a mudblood.  Now he's creepily staring at you more than usual.  I don't like it."  You muttered.  The marauders joined you at the table, causing you to quit looking.  You did not need James to go insane and try to kill the boy again.

     "Ello, lovely."  James said, sitting next to Lily and leaning on his arm.  Remus opened his book, Peter sitting next to him. 

     "Where's Sirius?"  Peter asked, Remus shrugging.

     "He has a new 'fashion statement' to make and wouldn't get out of bed until I left."  James said.

     "Oh, great.  Nothing bad happened last time at all."  Remus commented.

      "He's here."  Peter whispered.  Remus looked up before sighing, shutting his book, and putting his head in his hands.  Turning around, you saw him wearing a leather jacket with a partially unbuttoned white shirt.

     "He's gonna get detention."  Remus sighed.

     "I mean...he still has his shirt on so that's better than last time?"  James commented.

      "I mean, is he really breaking dress code?"  You asked.  "Aren't we all breaking dress code?"  Everyone looked around the table to notice only a few kids were actually wearing their robes, even fewer wearing vests.

       "It's the message he's conveying."  Remus argued.

      "Well, whatever message he is conveying, the woman seem to love it."  Lily commented as the boy flirted with the ladies.

     "Wow, okay.  That's happening."  You said, turning back to your food.  "Let me know when he's done snogging her."  You commented.

     "As his best friend, I will take on this horrendous duty."  James said, the other boys pretending they didn't hear you.  You gave Lily an 'I told you so' look when James sighed.  "He's coming.  Everyone, just act like we didn't see him do that."  The boys hummed in response when Sirius sat down next to you, you face scrunching.

     "Your sleeve is wet."  You said quietly.

     "Probably spit."  He said in a voice that was too serious.  Slowly, you scooted away, leaning on the table.

     "Wow.  How do you accomplish that?  I am genuinely curious."  You asked.  Sirius just winked as you sighed.

     "Well you won't answer so i'll just assume that she tried to give your arm a hickey through a leather jacket."  You commented, everyone at the table snickering as Sirius rolled his eyes.

     "Okay, the jacket, what do you think of the jacket?"  He asked the table.

     "I don't hate it.  But I hate the personality."  James said as he shrugged.

     "Maybe...button up the button up shirt?"  Remus said.

     "Whatever."  Sirius muttered, crossing his arms and glaring at the wall before buttoning up his shirt.

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