Chapter 3 | Star...s

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 AN: Take a shot every time they say stars.

    "We are not doing an entire report on a single star that you're named after."  You said, sitting across from Sirius in the library.

     "Why not?"  He questioned, leaning forwards and resting his chin on his arm.

     "What makes you think we can write an entire essay on one star.  Besides, the Professor said we need to do a model of an entire group of stars."  

     "Can Sirius be in the model of stars?"  Sirius asked, smiling cheerily.  You sighed, knowing he wouldn't cooperate otherwise.

     "Fine.  But you have to research, write, and create the model for the star.  We'll split everything else for the other stars."  Sirius nodded, watching as you wrote the star Sirius on your list.  "We'll have to meet up before dinner to go to the astrology tower and use the telescope.  I'll bring the astrology book."  You said before standing up and grabbing your bag.

     "Don't trust me to bring it?"  He questioned, raising an eyebrow.

     "Well, no.  But it's also my book so I don't know why I would give it to you to not use then give right back."  Sirius' face fell as you smirked.  "Don't assume everything is about you, Black."  With that you left the library, book in hand.  It was currently lunch, and you gave up precious time for food for Sirius Black.  You furrowed your eyebrows at yourself, food always came first. 

     "(F/n)!"  Turning your head towards the voice you saw Lily who was running towards you.  She came to a stop in front of you, out of breath, her hair in her face.  "Where were you?"  She asked. You plastered a fake smile on your face, your grip on your books tightening. 

     "Guess who I got partnered with in Astrology?"   You asked, Lily smirking.

     "Just your favorite person in the world, Sirius."  She joked as you rolled your eyes.

     "I gave up lunch for him, Lily.  I don't think you understand how dire this situation is.  He wanted to do the entire project on the star Sirius.  One star.  One star, Lily."  The girl shrugged.

     "It seems like fate."  She said as you mentally face palmed.

     "I'm going to leave now."  You said in a monotone voice before turning on your heel and heading towards your fifth class of the day.

     "Why didn't you wait till free period?"  She asked.

     "My free period is his Muggle Studies."  You said, before freezing.  "Lily, Lily, oh my merlin, Lily."  You said, the girl looking at you as if you were an alien.  "I have Potions."

     "Yes, (F/n), that is your fifth period class."  

     "No, Sirius.  He's in my Potions class."  You grabbed her by her robes, shaking her.  "Lily, he's everywhere.  We only have like one class not together.  I have more classes with that disgusting boy than you!"  You cried.

     "Okay, as your best friend, I feel obligated to tell you that you're being pathetic right now and you need to stop.  You also told me in this situation to slap you, so..."  Lily raised her hand before hitting you across the face, you taking a deep breath through your nose before sighing.

     "Thank you for that."  You said before walking off to the dungeons for potions.  You shivered as you walked through the halls.  'Who's genius idea was it to put classes and rooms in an actual dungeon?'  You thought before reaching class.  Walking in, you quickly sat down next to Molly.  Unfortunately, Remus Lupin and Pettigrew were next to you, Black and Potter behind you.  "This is fine."  You muttered.

     "Hmm?"  Molly questioned, looking at you.

     "What?  Nothing."  You blurted causing her to give you a skeptical look as you nervously laughed.

     "Attention, class!"  Slughorn exclaimed, clapping his hands together.  "Today we will be studying a potion known as the..."  He trailed off, looking at everyone overly excited.  "Love potion!"  He yelled, causing everyone to jump a little, Potter and Black snickering from behind you, even though you couldn't blame them.  "Keep in mind, this potion is dangerous.  While you are going through...changes and-"

     "Thanks!  Yup.  Think we got it."  You yelled before he could continue, causing him to smile.  

     "No, i'm still a little lost, actually."  Potter said as you turned around to glare at them.

     "As am I, James.  Maybe you could enlighten us, (L/n)?"  Black asked as you smiled.

     "Well, Black, with all the girls you take to the broom closet, I would think you would be a little more intelligent on this topic."  You snipped.

     "Woah, woah, keep it to yourselves."  Slughorn said, both of you looking at him.

     "You were going to give us sex ed."  Sirius said.

     "That's pretty out there."  You added before Slughorn gave you a look, causing you to sink back in your seat while Sirius chuckled.  

      "Everyone turn to page 261!"  He said as you sighed.  Love potions.  Lovely.

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