Chapter 12 | Ride or Die

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     It was night time, and you and Lily sat on your bed together gossiping. She was painting your nails in rainbows, a small smile on her features as she talked about James. You laughed when you were supposed to, scoffed when it sounded needed. But you were in your own mind. Thinking about your own issues; one of those issues just so happened to be Sirius Black.

     In fact, you were so wrapped up in your mind that you didn't even realize Lily had stopped talking and was grinning as she stared at you. When you snapped out of it you nearly fell of the bed from her gaze. You glanced left and right, and when she was still staring at you you frowned.


     "What happened on the train?" She grinned.

     "What do you mean what happened on the train? What you want to have happened on the train?"

      "You walked out together side by side, staring at each other like little kids realizing what a crush is."

      "Well, I, uh, we, huh," that had you stuttering and searching for an answer your simply didn't have. "Okay, we just...talked. But kinda didn't talk? But did talk."

     "Wow, i'm sitting on the edge of my seat, (Y/n). Such a riveting tale," Lily rolled her eyes as she fixed her hair, leaning towards you and resting her head on her arm. "Come on, what did you talk about?"

     "We smelled each other in the love potion. And then he asked me what I wanted to do."

     "About you two?"

     "I guess."

     "What'd you say? Come on, what did you say?" Lily shot up again, nearly bouncing on the bed.

      "I said I don't know! I don't know what I want. It's our sixth year, so much is happening with tests and our classes. I've never had someone like me back before or look at me the way he does and I can't tell if it's admiration or some creepy lustful Sirius thing," you nearly threw your hands in the air out of frustration.

     "Trust me, if it were that you would know," Lily assured. 

      "But that's not even it. I asked why he even likes me after how I treated him and he got all serious-"

     "Hah, Sirius,-" Lily snorted. You rolled your eyes and ignored her, continuing on.

     "and said that once or if we ever figure us out he'll tell me why. What does that even mean? Sounds like a prank set up if you ask me," you said. Lily got a look in her eyes as she pursed her lips in thought.

      "Maybe it's something sweet? If Sirius even talked about his emotions or showed anything other than pure pride he's being genuine...and Sirius isn't often genuine."

      "I guess," you trailed off.

     "Just let it happen~" Lily cooed. Then her brows furrowed. "I wonder what guys talk about," she pondered, looking at you. You just shrugged.

     "Like i'd know- OW," a flying letter hit you in the eye as you were talking before falling onto the bed harmlessly. You and Lily looked at it, then at each other, then back at the letter. It read her name. You muttered under your breath, standing up and marching out of your dorm down the girls hallway to the edge of the staircase before screaming, "POTTER!"

     "Yeah?" He shouted back.

     "You hit me in the eye!" 

     "Sorry! That was my fault!" Ah, Remus. Aw, how could you be mad at Remus? 

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