Chapter 11 | Compartments

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(AN: Inconsistent is my middle name. Every time I do this the writing quality literally changes halfway through a book but eh. It's Wattpad. When I finally commit to my AO3 CYOA Harry Potter Story all will be Gucci)


     When Lily, Remus, Peter, and you all returned to the Three Broomsticks James and Sirius were no where to be found. This resulted in the four of you searching throughout Hogsmeade in an attempt to find them. This, also, resulted in you spending all your money and still not finding them.

     That was until you got back on the train. 

     Somehow, conveniently, when you got there, James was in one compartment while Sirius was in another. James, Remus, and Peter all shared a silent series of looks that confused the every loving crap out of you, and before you knew it Remus grabbed Lily and the compartment was full.

     "Oh no, (Y/n), you're gonna have to sit with Sirius..." James pretended to be disappointed as you turned to slowly face Sirius. He looked every bit as unamused as you were. "Bummer," he drew out the word with a small pout thrown in the end before slamming the compartment door on you. You turned around.

     "Hello, Sirius," you forced a smile. He raised a two fingered wave at you, both of you staring at each other not entirely sure on what to do before he nodded of you to come in. You sat across him. You stared at your shoes. He was staring out the window. You were sure of this because every time you peeked up you could see his grey eyes peering into the sun, his sharp jaw line framed by black hair-

     "I know. I'm basically a Monet painting," Black smirked, winking at you. You choked on your spit, nearly hurling your bag of sweets out the window. A warmth flooded your cheeks.

     "Don't flatter yourself. Surprised you even know who Monet is, being a muggle and all," you teased. "You're more of a Van Gogh, since your face is so funny."

     "I might've brushed up on some muggle art history," he replied. He was smirking, but there was something genuine in what he said. A tinge of vulnerability laced into his words as he stared at you in such a way you felt your stomach churn. You found yourself biting the inside of your cheek to keep yourself from smiling.

     "Since when did muggles interest you?"

     "Since I realized it pissed off my parents," he mused, leaning back. You furrowed your brows before he smoothly added on, "and since I met you."

     "Okay! Nope! Nah, Nada, zip," you stood up and threw your hands in the air, Sirius' eyes widening as you closed the compartment door shut before sitting next to him. You felt flustered, embarrassed, utterly attracted to him, and annoyed. The perfect combination of adrenaline to figure out what the hell was going on. Even Sirius was surprised, pressed against the wall closest to the door as you pushed your finger against his chest.

     "Leather," you yanked on his jacket, a small gasp leaving him. "You had to have worn something leather before this otherwise it makes no sense, cologne," all it took was one whiff for you to purse your lips. "Okay, I'll give you that one. That leaves gasoline, which makes no sense so I guess it can't be you," you hissed. Sirius looked genuinely hurt at your words, shifting to brush his hair behind his ear and, what the hell? You gripped his wrist and ran your finger over a black smudge on his arm as the smell of...gasoline hit you in the face. You looked down. Leather boots. Merlin's Beard--

     "You study all the time in the commons. Dipping your quill carefully in the ink and then you grow tired halfway so your writing becomes messy anyways. Smells like parchment every evening," he muttered. You looked into his eyes. You could feel his breath on your face. It smelled like butter beer. "And you smell like honey now too. And all you ever eat for breakfast-"

     "Is bacon," you finished. You sat back. Looks like your plan of ending this fantastically blew up in your face. Right? Right. Totally. Yup. Sirius kept looking at you with an expression you had never, ever, seen on his face. It was open, no smirks or furrowed brows. Lips slightly spread like he's waiting to say something, want and anxiety in his eyes. 


     "So what?" It took you a moment to answer him.

     "Are we gonna...y'know do something about it?" You stared at him.

     "I dunno'," you muttered. He smiled, a low chuckle leaving him as he sat up, making him closer to you.

     "You dunno'?" He cooed. Your eyes widened, nothing short of a squeal leaving you as you shot to the other side of the bench. He smiled at you, genuine. Stray pieces of black hair fell into his face and you took the moment to notice he had dimples and crows feet when he smiled.

     "I...dunno'," You confirmed, nodding. He fell back into a lax position once more, putting his feet on the bench and bending his knees to not lay them on you.

     "That's cool," he uttered, throwing his hands behind his head. "That's cool," cue the dopey smile as he stared at the ceiling. Quiet. It was...quiet, other than the faint hum of the Train's Engine. 

     "Why do you notice so much about me?" You asked.

     "You have to notice things about someone to tease them," he said. "Just thought you hated me."

     "I thought you hated me," You said. He glanced at you.




     "But I'm so mean to you-," You felt guilt in your chest. Maybe even sadness? Too much was happening at once and suddenly Sirius sat up, slightly hunched over.

     "If we actually manage to figure out what...this is, I promise we can have this talk," he said. Confusion filled you as you tilted your head. He smiled with his mouth closed. "I have my reasons. Promise." Of course he had his reasons. When didn't he? If there was one thing to know about Sirius Black, it was that he never did anything without a plan. 

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