Chapter 18 | Memorable Moments

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     Word had certainly gotten out that the Sirius Black was going on a date. You would've thought someone was murdered with the sudden outburst of emotions at school. Rumors were spread about you, some saying that Sirius was just using you. Others said it was all a big joke. You felt like you should've been offended, but alas you couldn't find it in you to care.

    "I really didn't think that the way I'd find out you two are going on a date is by two Ravenclaws gossiping in the bathrooms, but times certainly are changing," Lily mused, Sirius rolling his eyes.

     "I thought Hufflepuffs were supposed to be nice, not eavesdropping on every conversation I happen to have," Sirius huffed. 

     "Sirius, we had this conversation yesterday," you began.

     "Well I don't see why my perfect looks and amazing personality have to make everyone obsess over me!" Sirius argued. You could hear James snort as Remus shook his head.

     "Well, I convinced James to go to Puddifoot's Teashop!" Lily excitedly exclaimed. There was a moment of silence as James and Sirius shared a look and you tried not to laugh.

     "Is that so, Lils?" You asked, leaning on her shoulder. She frowned, clearly knowing what you were thinking.

     "Don't you even start (Y/n)," she warned.

     "Lils, do you actually like that place?" You questioned, locking arms with her.

     "It has it's charms," she defended.

     "Couples literally snog everywhere you look."

     "It's the air of romance!"

     "Oh, so that's what kids are calling sweaty hot air these days," you mused. Lily elbowed you in retaliation before you boarded, leading the group in a line towards the other Gryffindors. You all sat in the compartment on the right, left closest to the door, Sirius collapsing next to you and resting his arm behind his head. He looked quite cocky and satisfied with himself. "What now?" You questioned. He raised his brows.

     "What? Can't a guy just be happy to be with one of the most intelligent and witty girls in school?" Sirius asked.

     "Absolutely. Disgusting," James made sure to pronounce every syllable distinctly.

     "Bet that's what you say when you see your reflection in the mirror, Mate," Sirius kicked James in the leg as the other laughed.

     "It's what I say when your rancid morning breath hits me in the face when I'm looking in the mirror," James replied, you and Lily sharing a look. 

     The train began to set off as Sirius' arm progressively slipped to wrap around you once more, but it seemed to be fairly incidental as Sirius was wrapped up in conversation with Remus. Being stuck in a fairy confined area, that close to him, his cologne filling your senses with his warmth so close made you feel so strange. You weren't necessarily nervous, no, rather you felt a contentness and warmth in your chest that you had never felt before. You had an urge to cuddle into Sirius' side, rest your head on his shoulder. But you couldn't do that. Could you? Were you allowed to do that? Did you have to ask to do that? 

     Turns out it didn't matter since you spent so much time wondering about it that there was no time to do it as you all arrived at Hogsmeade.

     "Ready to not go on a date?" Sirius asked you, hands on your shoulders as he walked behind you out the train.

      "Where to?" You asked, Sirius walking next to you.

     "Where do you think?" He asked. You shrugged, following Sirius to the jokes shop as you stared at his hand. That certainly had to be a normal thing to do right? Just had to...reach over...and grab it. Yes. Easy. You spent so much time staring at his hands that you were pretty sure you could recognize his fingerless leather gloves just about anywhere. But then it built up in you, that so called Gryffindor courage, and you grasped his hand in yours.  It was a lot larger than yours and he was quick to hold your hand back, warmness engulfing it. You looked up at him to see him smiling like a child given a candy bar. Might've added a little pep into his step if you looked close enough.

     "M'lady," he bowed as he opened the door for you, the smell of something burning (presumably someone's eyebrows) filling the air. You grinned as you turned to look at Sirius. "Don't even mention it," Sirius warned as you laughed.

      "You could've lost your eyebrows from that Slytherin, Sirius. Then what would I do? How could I tell your emotions? Your eyebrows are such a key Sirius thing," you teased, walking through the multiple trinkets in the store.

     "I'd use interpretive dance to express my emotions, dur," Sirius replied as if it were obvious, picking up a jinxed quill.

     "Oh?" You questioned. He hummed affirmatively. "No words? Just dancing?"

     "Like a bee," Sirius confirmed.

     "How would you romance me then?" You asked. Sirius went into thought before he looked at you intensely.

     "Like this," he said, stepping closer and wrapping as arm around your waist. He picked up one of the fake flowers in the love potion section and plopped it in your mouth. You let out a laugh before biting down on it as he dipped you down, holding your arm out like the end of a latin dance. You both were laughing, you going red in the face before he pulled you up again. 

     "Convincing enough?" Sirius asked. You pulled the rose from your mouth before putting it in his, brushing strands of his hair onto his face so he looked like he just did an intense dance before hand. He seemed curious as to what you were doing, following behind you while keeping the rose in his mouth until you grabbed a camera and aimed it at him.

     "Say, Sirius. Will you give a girl a momento?" You asked, pleading. He lifted up his lip in his best 'sexy' smile and raised a brow, going into a dramatic pose as you took the photo. He finally removed the flower, leaning over you as he covered the photo from light, you shaking it idly before it eventually came into view. There was Sirius, in all his glory, being the latin dancer he was. 

     "Well, now if you refuse to date me by the end of tonight you'd be stupid," Sirius warned.

     "Have to say, it's looking like I might have to agree with you, Black," you teased.

     "Do we have to buy this now-" Sirius was cut off.

     "Yup!" the storeowner shouted out. You looked at each other, breaking into giggles before you shrugged.

     "Always wanted to make a scrapbook," you said. 

     "What better way to start it?" He asked. 

     "Precisely," You confirmed. You continued to fiddle with your now soon to be camera as Sirius picked up some hair dye, dung bombs, and all the classics the you would assume a prankster of his caliber would pick before you went to check out. He set everything down before plucking the camera from your grasp. "Sirius-"

     "Nope. Not gonna hear it. I came here to court you and that's what I'm gonna do," he proudly announced.

     "'Court' me?" you asked. "You really are from an aristocratic family," you teased. 

     "Which means I can handle paying for this," Sirius said with a wink, paying for everything. He took a bag for his items before handing the camera to you. "Best get to making some memorable moments, yeah?"

     "What are you planning now?"

     "I just thought maybe we should pay James and Lil's a visit over at Puddifoots," Sirius pitched. You stared at him. You wanted to scold him for the devilish grin that spread onto his features but sighed, a small laugh leaving you.

     "Alright, fine."

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