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"New girl, lets go. It's 6:45" I heard India call from outside of the door. I violently pushed myself off the bed and walked to the mirror to see myself looking like a natural disaster. I've been here for a solid week, and balancing between cheer and school, I haven't had time to unpack. Aimee's been on my ass because I don't do the helicopter high enough and I'm already behind on 3 papers.

I took a quick shower, and I threw on some blue ripped jeans, a black boyfriend tee, with simple black heels, I decided to not do my makeup other than my eyebrows, knowing I'd sweat it off later on in cheer, this week was "Hell Week" as Aimee called it, it honestly was, we ran, ran, and ran. hills, around campus, the track, to the nearest Walmart, which was 25 miles away, and don't let one of us stop, she'd make us keep going to the second nearest store and she benched whoever stopped.

I put my hair in a quick ponytail and walked out to the living room

"Girl don't yo feet hurt from yesterday?" India asked

I shook my head

"So are y'all going to August's party tomorrow?" Miracle asked us

"I don't know about Mercedes but I am" India said grabbing her purse

"Come with us 'Cedes, it'll be fun" Miracle said

"I don't know, I have papers to write"

"I heard Savage is gonna be there too" India chimed "And you know if Savage there, uzi and them gon be there too"

Who were these people they were talking about? It kinda annoyed me because I didn't know who they were

"I'll go" I said quicker than I thought, I just wanted to know who those people were "but only for a few hours"

"Aye India, i think we growing on her" Miracle said as she opened the door

India and I had majority of classes together so we walked to them.

We entered Advanced English a minute before the bell rung

"We've been going through this for the past week, why you insist on sitting in my seat?" The light skin boy said, he had the man bun thing going on but he had his hair in two braids, he was cute overall, but I'm not looking for a relationship

"It's no assigned, so I sat" I said teasingly

"Quincy sit yo ass down, you know damn well that wasn't yo seat you just wanna holla that's it" A boy said to him, I just turned faced him to see his face bright red, and I smirked

. . .

I grunted as I landed from the helicopter for the 47th time in 5 minutes, yes I counted

"Newbie!" I heard Aimee's squeaky voice call from across the room

I looked up to see her rushing toward me "Listen here, Jeep, I have been nice enough to go through this with you for this week, this-" She said, pointing at the people doing helicopters behind us "is something you learn sophomore year of high school, so if this is too hard for you you need to let me know"

I stayed silent, she moved her head to the side, waiting for an answer

"It's not, I can get it" I said through gritted teeth

"If you can't keep up, you're cut" she said walking away "Bianca's got to do bettter, assume positions everyone!"

"Don't worry honey, you're doing just fine, better than some of these heffas, she just trying to get under your skin, just do you and you'll be fine" Kassandra, a cheerleader told me as we got into our positions for 1st movement

. . .

"Is this good?" Miracle asked me, wearing like the 7th outfit she's shown me

"I'm gonna tell you like I've said since outfit number one, they all look good"

"Well fine isn't good enough, some of the bombest niggas bout to be there, I ain't tryna look like no bum"

"Who is Savage or Uzi, y'all be talking about are they famous or sum?" I asked

She looked at me "I wouldn't say famous, I would say....Well known, they are known for their occupation, and-" she sighed "You can keep a secret right?"

I nodded slowly

"Okay you remember Jayleen's brother right?"


"Okay he, Uzi, Yachty, august and them, they all work for Savage, now don't get me wrong they homeboys and all, but don't get it twisted, they don't call him savage for nothing, one of his many mottos is death before dishonor, that means he'll kill a nigga before he'll be disrespected, betrayed allat, -"

"So what do they do?" I asked cutting her off

"Well if you must know, they traffic drugs, the best in the east, shit, prolly the richest niggas in Atlanta"

"So Who's the leader or whatever you call it?"

"Now Savage is the big guy but the man that is in full charge, no one knows his name, its more of a secret, but I heard when that nigga do show up, he gon show out, meaning he gon kill you"

"So he like a mysterious mastermind?"

"Supposedly, I hear he living large somewhere out here with his wife and son"

I stood up and stretched "nice knowing that, well I'm bout to go find what to wear tomorrow" I said heading to my room "Goodnight"

"Night" Miracle called back

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