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(Mercedes' mom in MM)


As I woke up, I groaned and turned over to see the time. 11:58.

"Shit" I mumbled as I got up, I had to be ready by one

As I hopped in the shower I washed my hair and body. I got out, blow dried my hair and put it in a high bun, I put on a white halter top with ripped blue jean shorts that stopped mid thigh, and I topped it off with my white knee-high heels. As I walked out my room, I slipped on my Chanel sunglasses

"Allat just to see yo mama?" Jayleen asked while making coffee for Miracle, who was slouched on the couch, looking like she was on her deathbed

"I haven't seen her for six years, I'm kinda nervous" I admitted

"I mean she's yo mama she won't judge you if that's what you thinkin" India said as she woke Miracle up and handed her two tylenols

"And how in the hell you suppose to be gettin there anyway?" Jayleen butted in

"Oh she's sending her driver down here, her husband is supposedly rich or something"  I explained grabbing a banana "He's suppose to be here at one" i added checking the time. 1:11.

I sighed grabbing my purse off the counter and headed towards the door

"Bye and good luck" India said as I closed the door behind me

I walked to the front of the campus, I stood and looked around and I spotted a all black Rolls Royce with a white man in a suit holding a sign that read 'Mercedes Evans'. I walked up to him "Mercedes Evans?" He asked I nodded "Right this way, miss Evans"  he said as he opened the back seat for me.

The ride to Moms house was about an hour long, as the driver pulled into a huge mansion that was gated with the letter 'S' in the middle he pressed the button on the speaker "Sporino Residence" I heard my moms voice call. "We have arrived", "Okay let me get you buzzed in" she called, soon enough the gate opened which split the big gold 'S' in half. As the driver stopped the car in front of the huge double doors. I saw my mom standing there.

I hopped out of the car and walked slowly towards her, the closer I got, the more tears came

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I hopped out of the car and walked slowly towards her, the closer I got, the more tears came. I finally dropped my purse and ran into her arms

"Oh honey" she cried out, as she pulled away she grabbed my face stroking it, and pulled me into a hug
"I missed you so much, bunny" she said, calling me by my childhood nickname

I looked at her "..mom"

"I know I know, you're a big girl now, come on, you need to meet these crazy men in my life"

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