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I laid across savages bed as he and I don't know who went to go find out who that man was. It's been three days and they still haven't gave up, if all of it was up to me, I'd let the whole situation go and move on. It's spring break now and I couldn't have been happier, I needed a break from school. I just need sleep. I was watching The Sandlot as the bedroom door opened revealing Destiny.

"Here we go" I mumbled, turning over to the other side

"Where my brother?" She asked

I shrugged my shoulders "I don't know, he hasn't been back in two days"

She nodded before standing there for a couple of seconds before walking over to the bed "Look, I'm sorry for the way I acted. I left a horrible first impression, it's just I see my brother get attached to these girls and then they end up fucking him over. I just didn't wanna see him hurt in the end" she explained as I turned around

"You know what? I don't even know if we are together, so you have nothing to worry about. Oh and I guess I forgive you" I said turning back over

It was true, savage and I may act like a couple, but we've never had a legit conversation on where our relationship was going, so therefore I'm single and we just in that 'talking' stage

"Well I could tell you gone stay around for a while. Imma go call him again" she said walking towards the door

"You do that" I mumbled, turning the channel back to Ridiculousness


I looked over at Savage as his phone rang for the 1000th time. He looked at it and then sat it back down.

"Why don't you just answer your phone?" I asked, annoyed at the ringtone that keeps ringing 2.5 seconds apart

He shrugged "It ain't important, I'm lookin fo one call and that wasn't it" he said

We all sat here in Kodak's house waiting for the call from The big homie that might have some information about that nigga the other night, I personally felt bad because everyone has been targeting Mercedes, I haven't had a sister in over 10 years, I failed at saving Viviana but I won't fail at Mercedes, I just won't.

"Well put that shit on silent, it's gettin on my nerves" I said sitting down to hear my phone go off

Dad 🤔🙄😷: You still delivering the package tonight?
Me: Yes Dad, I don't need you reminding me every ten minutes
Dad🤔🙄😷: Don't be getting smart, I'm doing us a favor, let me know when you're going
Me: I'm not, I'm bout to leave right now

I sighed and stood up "Look I'll be back"

"Where the fuck you goin?" Savage asked

"To bust a move real quick" I replied walking out the door

"Aye" savage yelled and I turned around


"Come back here" he said pointing at the floor

"I will" I said closing the door


Fire & Desire // 21 SavageWhere stories live. Discover now