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"Just tell her" I whispered to savage as we were in his movie room, watching Set it Off.

He shook his head "Nah, not yet"

"Nigga, the party is tomorrow, you had two days" I told him as I looked at my iPad

"Two days for what?" He asked, taking a bite out of his burger from In N Out

"To tell her that she's our decoy" I glanced over at him, to see him still paying more attention to the burger

He shrugged "What's that suppose to mean?"

I looked at him and shook my head "That you should of told her the day we came up with the plan" I rolled my eyes

"Oh yeah. Well we have until tomorrow to tell her" he said looking on his phone

"...So you gone decide to tell her on the day is happening, real smart, Sav"

"You tell her then" he shrugged

"Shit, thank you, I will, you taking too long anyway" I told him, grabbing my crutches, standing up and walking out the room until a thought to my mind, I smiled "You scared, huh?"

"What?" He asked almost immediately

"You scared? Of Mercedes?! Ha!" I started laughing

"Man I ain't scared of nobody" he said standing up

"Then go ahead, tell her, I'll be right here" I said walking back to sit down in the couch

He walked out of the room to come back in "Uhhh, just do me this one favor, and tell her" he said as he leaned on the wall

I smacked my lips "Scary ass" I mumbled under my breath as I got back up

"Um, where's my other shoe?" Mercedes asked as she rushed into the room, she was in her cheer uniform and she had one white shoe in her hand "Have y'all seen it?" She asked as she started searching the room

"Nah" I shook my head

"I think you left one in my all black lambo, I'll go check" Savage explained as he got up to leave the room, he turned his head and gave me that look as in 'tell her while I'm gone'

I shrugged as he left the room
"You nervous?" I asked her, today was her competition and she claims it's a big one

"No. What I am nervous about is I've been looking for this shoe for over thirty minutes now" she said as she stood with her hands on her hips

"So uh, Whatchu doin tomorrow night?" I asked out of nowhere, making her turn towards me quick "What?"

"So you really gone ask me that, when I'm pressing for time when you could get yo cripple ass up and help" she said as she continued to look around

"I'm not cripple no more!" I yelled behind her "I was just trying to keep a conversation"

"If you must know, I don't officially have plans tomorrow, but knowing the team, they might have something planned if we get 1st place" she explained

"Well why don't y'all come to a party?" I suggested

"A party?" She asked "what kind of party"

Fire & Desire // 21 SavageWhere stories live. Discover now