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I was in class and I waited until the teacher started teaching, I opened my book bag, got out a bowl and a spoon, I took out a box of fruity pebbles, poured some into the bowl, I got out a jug of milk and poured it into the bowl

I got out a cup and filled it with Orange Juice, I then grabbed my plate of toast and sat it down along with my plate of fruit, I started eating. "Miss Evans, what on earth do you think you're doing?" Mrs Nadonza yelled, causing everybody to stare at me, I stayed there shocked with the spoon in my mouth

"Excuse me?" I asked

"This is a English class, not a foods class" she said as she stood with her hands on her hips

"I didn't have time to eat breakfast this morning, can I finish this up?"

She hesitated before nodding "You're lucky you caught me on a good day, yes please finish" she said as she turned back to the board, and began teaching, I smiled continuing to eat everything

"This girl done pulled out a whole breakfast outta her book bag" I heard Quincy say as he faced his camera towards me, as he was on live "How you fit allat in there?"

"Move nigga, trying to embarrass me and shit" I said trying to move his phone out my face

He started laughing "Jacquees said, what's wrong wit you bringing all that food to class" he read off his phone

"Jacquees I know you ain't talkin, considering the fact you should be in this class as we speak" I said as I took a bite of my toast

"Aye Cedes, August said a simple cereal bar would've done the job, not a whole breakfast buffet on your table"

"August this is for you!" I said as I flipped the camera off, and ate the toast and cereal at the same time, making Quincy give me a look of disgust before turning back to his phone

"I'm dead, Julian said save him some best friend"

I laughed "You know i gotchu Jules" I said as Quincy took the spoon out of my hands and started eating my cereal, I gave him a crazy look but he ignored me and kept eating

As he ended his live, India walked in, giving Mrs Nadonza a pass before sitting down next to me

"Where's Kass?" I asked, taking a bite of cereal

"She claim to be sick, hopefully she'll be okay by 3:30, you know Aimee gone trip if she don't show"

I nodded, The Competition was in two days and we all had to be at practice, unless you wanted Aimee to cut you out, I was somewhat nervous, not because this is new to me, it's not, it's gonna be my first competition without Cheyanne, and I don't know if I'm ready to experience that.

Flashback, Summer 2006
"Come on Mercedes, I don't know why you're scared, I'm right here with you" Cheyanne said, giving Mercedes words of wisdom

"I-I don't know, I've never thought about doing cheerleading, you know I like basketball" Mercedes replied, scared of trying something new

"Okay Kobe and you'll still be able to play basketball, but come on, we're about to be 7th graders, and the coach is showing interest in us, we got to at least try" Cheyanne said as they crossed the street

Mercedes just bounced her ball as they made it to the other side "I really don't know Chey, I'm just scared-"

"Why are you scared, Mercedes, because of what Kira tells you, you know what? Fuck her, you don't need her, as long as you have me you don't need anyone, you're so strong with a heart full of gold, the team will love you, just as much as I do, and if they don't, who cares, you have me. You'll always have me no matter what, I'll always be with you"

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