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After I got off the phone with Sammy I  heard knocking on my front door, when I opened the door I saw August leaning on his crutches and the two goofballs from last night, and lastly Savage. I let them in and Savage stopped and looked at me.

"You know where these niggas at?" He asked

"That's why I called Aug over here for" I said, closing the door after he stepped in

"Alright" August sighed plopping down on the couch "Talk to me Big Tony"

"Okay" I sat down "Sammy said that Man Man throwing a party this Friday, and that everybody gone be there, so all we gotta do is make it to the party and get yo shit back"

Savage shook his head "It ain't that easy"

"How come it ain't? All we gotta do is roll in deep and they won't stand a chance, you always with the extras" I stood up in front of him

"Are you stupid! They got a gang of niggas waiting at every corner of that mansion, think smart nigga, you still the same huh?" He smiled "yo brain ain't there fo nothin, think" he sat back down

I smacked my lips "Okay since you sid the fuckin science guy, you so smart, let's see what you got, any ideas?" I asked him

"How about this idea, how about y'all both stop arguing like some bitches and come together for this one thing and after that y'all can go back to being prissy petty bitches, that's one idea" August shrugged as he readjusted on the couch

"Look Aug, you ain't gotta do this if you don't want to" I suggested, getting dirty looks from everyone in the room

"Nah fuck that, I'm gettin my shit back!" August yelled

"Man fuck all that materialistic shit!" I yelled back "It ain't worth it!"

"You scared?" Kodak asked from across the room

I turned around to look at him "Look harambe this ain't the time, what I gotta be scared for?"

"You gotta problem nigga?" He asked standing up and walking towards me

"Man I don't fight Orangutans, get away Caesar" I said as every body started laughing making Kodak turn around to face them

"Really? Y'all supposed to be my niggas tho" he said

"That planet of the apes reference tho" Yachty said as he fell to the floor laughing

"Man shut the fuck up!" August yelled "You disrespectful as fuck Tony"

I shrugged "but forreal tho, we need a distraction" I said "But August you need to be off them crutches by Friday"

"Either way" August started "They know my face, they know who I am, I'll always be a target"

I smacked my lips "All you gotta do is stay out of Stone Mountain"

"No, I want my shit back Tony" he said sternly "So what's this distraction you speak of"

I hesitated, I didn't want August to get hurt more than he was, Man Man and his boys are dangerous, once they got they target on you, better say all your goodbyes, you gone be dead within a couple hours "Since the party at his house, we need someone to distract him and his boys, go upstairs, find his room, and that's most likely where yo stuff at"

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