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"Swear to god" i mumbled to myself as I took a sip of water

We were at the breaking point of the competition. Every team got to perform three times and we were on after Florida State. We were killing it in the beginning by a landslide, we were so far ahead in scores until Colorado decided to do whatever they did. But it was working. So far Our score was 75.7 and Colorado was 80.2, this could go anyway at this point. But I had to admit, they came to play, and so did we. We all stood there watching Colorado and waiting for them to finish until Aimee pulled us to the side.

"Panthers" She called "Huddle up"

We all quickly huddled up together. Aimee honestly looked worn out. She was a sweaty mess with a towel around her shoulders "I know I'm a bitch at times," she started "But the reason why I'm so hard on you guys is because I know you guys better than y'all possibly know y'all selves, I know you can push your limits and I know you guys are stronger than y'all think, I've seen it and now what i need for you guys is to bring it on that stage one last time, and give it all you got, because for one we not losing to no damn rams okay, and most importantly do it for yourselves, I want all of you guys to leave out of here knowing you are strong, independent and fierce, because you deserve it, okay?, so after whoever is in front of us, let's go out there and show me who came to play !" She yelled getting us riled up.

After a few moments, Colorado was done and they got a standing ovation as they cheered and jumped away from the main stage, passing us and getting in our faces as they made their way to the back.

"Ugly grinch faced ass white bitches" Kassandra yelled back as one of them purposely bumped her, making her spill her water

Aimee shook her head holding Kassandra back "Show them on the platform not with Violence"

"Annnnd the moment you been waiting for, give it up for the Florida Seminolessssss!"
The announcer called and The Florida girls made their way gracefully to the stage to set up for their last performance. One thing about Florida is that they had class and didn't have unsportsmanlike ways.

"I still wanna whoop her ass" Kassandra said as she passed me to get more water

"Stop drinking so much water" Miracle laughed "Its not good to do that before doing flips"

"Do you think we got it?" I asked her, putting my cup down

"We are the Georgia Panthers" she stated "Of course we have it"

"I don't know" I sighed "Colorado seemed-"

"Fuck Colorado, okay" she yelled as one of the Colorado girls passed by, giving us a stank look "Yeah I said it hoe, you ole string cheese lookin ass-"

"Hey" Aimee said cutting her off "Don't stoop down to their level, their trash and we're class, remember that"

Florida was halfway done and were doing pretty good, but they weren't going to catch up, because during their first performance they kinda messed up causing them to lose points. They did better the second time around but they were still low in scores, a solid 44.0

"Okay Okay girls you ready!" Bianca asked walking in with her hotdog "Costume Check"

Oh did I mention that Bianca was one of the big dogs in this field. She is the choreographer, designer, and she recruits girls from high schools and she gets to choose who's on the team. So whatever she says, goes ... or you.

Fire & Desire // 21 SavageWhere stories live. Discover now