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"Hello!" Boruto yelled through the village as he continued to run in search of someone he knew. Then it hit him, "Konohamaru-Sensei! I wonder what he's like in this time!"

So he set off in search of his sensei.

"Hey, you! Naruto!"

Boruto jumped at the high-pitched voice, "who, me? I'm not Naruto... Uh..." His gaze fell as he looked down at a young boy about eight years old wearing a long blue scarf, "who are you?"

"Wha! You're not Naruto!" The boy screeched.

"No, I'm... Uh, Boru Uzu from the Village Hidden in the Meadow." Boruto crossed his arms, "what makes you think I'm Naruto? We look nothing alike."

"Huh." The boy shrugged, "sorry. But I thought I just heard you say my name?"

"What, of course not... Wait..." Boruto peered his eyes at the boy, "no... It can't be... Are you..."

"That's right!" The boy beamed, "I'm the one and only Konohamaru Sarutobi! The one and only rival to Naruto Uzumaki! He's my boss, you know."

"Rival? Isn't that Unc-- I mean, Sasuke?" Boruto corrected himself.

"Nah. I'm a greater rival! Check out my sexy jutsu, I'll prove it to you!" Konohamaru weaved his hand signs.

"No, no! It's okay!" Boruto struggled, he really is like Dad, isn't he?!

"Wait, wait! This is the best one! I can feel it!" Konohamaru giggled childishly, "sexy juts--"

"Sorry! Gotta go!!" Boruto yelled as he started running in the opposite direction, not knowing where exactly he was going, "phew, I hope I lost hi--"

Suddenly, not looking where he was going, he ran into someone, knocking them both off their feet, "owww... I'm so sorry..."

"I-I'm sorry, N-Naru... Naruto?"

Boruto rubbed his head and looked across in confusion. Before him was a girl about his age that only reminded him of someone he knew already, "do I know you?"

The girl tilted her head, and he could tell she was confused too, "I don't think so... You really look like someone I know."

"You too..." Boruto squinted his eyes, and a face flashed before his eyes, "ah! You look like my little sister!"

"Oh?" The girl giggled, "you look like a boy from my class."

"Really? Well, my name is Boru Uzu."

"I'm Hinata Hyuga."

Boruto's eyes opened wide, "y-you're..."

Hinata looked at him, "what's wrong?"

"It's..." Boruto muttered as he stared at her, "it's nothing. I thought I've heard your name before."

"Oh." Hinata smiled, "here, sorry."

"No, no. Allow me." Boruto stood up, grabbed Hinata's hand, and pulled her up.

"Thank you." Hinata smiled, "are you new here?"

"Uh-huh." Boruto nodded, "I guess I'm just not sure where to go right now."

"I can bring you to the Hokage's office if you want?" Hinata offered.

"That'd actually be great." Boruto nodded as young Hinata led him through the streets, even though he knew he could literally walk to the Hokage's office in his sleep. He's done it before.

After some time, he broke the silence, "so who do I remind you of?"

Hinata looked down at the ground, "well..."

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