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"What was that?!"

Sarada and Boruto turned to look in the direction Naruto was pointing in, "an explosion?!"

"That's at the entrance." Kakashi said, "Naruto, Sasuke, Sakura. We need to head in. Hinata, go see if you can rally in other teams."

"Right." Hinata nodded and ran in the direction of the Hokage's office.

"What about us?" Boruto questioned.

"You two, stay here." Kakashi gestured to the spot they were standing in front of Ichiraku Ramen.

"Why?!" Sarada crossed her arms, "we could be of help! I know some medical ninjutsu!"

"Medical ninjutsu? At your age? That's amazing!" Sakura beamed.

"Well, I did learn it from you, actually. I don't know what Boruto can do..."

"Uh..." Boruto chuckled, the pumped his fist in the air, "moral support."

"Sorry. Too dangerous." Kakashi apologized, "besides, we don't know the full extent of your abilities yet."

"Darn it!" Boruto kicked the dirt as Kakashi led Team 7 out towards the explosion, "why is it always us?!"

Sarada planted her hands on her hips, "and what are you going to do about it? Couldn't be just stand there and complain about it, that's not the Boruto I know."

"Heck no! I'm going anyways!" Boruto grinned, being the rambunctious ninja he is.

"Alright. Let's go, then." Sarada gave him a nod, and the two headed towards the site of the explosion.


Hours passed, and the explosion in the village left the buildings and the entrance to the village blocked off and in ruins.

"This is the third family. No casualties." An ANBU Medic helped a family out from under a fallen building.

"We've got another here!" Kiba Inuzuka called from another building as Shino Aburame lifted the rubble with his insects.

"This place is a mess..." Shikamaru Nara looked around and groaned, "this'll be a real drag to fix up."

"So did you get any information?" Shizune asked Kakashi at the site among all the rubble.

"We asked everyone we could, and there was no one who could tell us anything about what they saw before the explosion." Kakashi sighed in response.

"Lady Shizune!" Sakura called the two over to where the entrance gates to the village once stood, "Kotetsu and Izumo... They know something."

"Are you two okay?" Shizune asked the two ninja before getting into any details.

"We're fine." Kotetsu nodded, "but we should've known not to trust those three."

Kakashi peered his eyes at Kotetsu, "who?"

Izumo cleared his throat, "there were three guys that came into the village just before the explosion. That couldn't be a coincidence."

"These three..." Shizune ordered, "what did they look like? What were they wearing?"

"We couldn't really describe their appearance, taken the fact that all three were wearing cloaks with their hoods up. One was orange, one was black, and one was white."

Shizune turned to a few ANBU, "report back to Lady Hokage sightings of three orange, black, and white figures moving through the village at the moment of the explosion."

"Yes ma'am." The ANBU bowed, then vanished.

Kakashi tapped his chin in thought, "do they have some sort of relation to Hotatsu?"

"It's very possible." Shizune nodded, "however, what we've been trying to crack is the fact that this time traveler Hotatsu is of the Hyuga Clan..."

"Have you spoken with Hiashi about this?"

"I have. Even Hinata." Shizune sighed.

"You're missing one."

"You're right, but Team Guy is out on a mission right now. They should be getting back by tonight, however. We can send your team out to talk to him as soon as they get back."

Kakashi nodded in understanding, "that would be a good idea." Kakashi gazed at the large heap of rubble, then sensed the chakra signatures behind him, "I thought I told you two to stay put."

"Uhm..." Boruto froze, "sorry. But we couldn't just stand by and watch the village fall like this."

Kakashi sighed, "you're right... Do you ever remember being told about an explosion like this happening in the village?"

"No. This is a surprise to us, too." Sarada shook her head.

"This is all purely changing the time stream. We need to be careful, before anything happens to you two." Kakashi pointed at Boruto and Sarada.

"Alright, that makes sense and all..." Boruto nodded, "but where do we go now? There's nothing else we can do at the moment..."

Kakashi grinned, "actually, Lady Hokage and I already have a mission planned out for the team. You two can come along for the time being, since you continue to insist on helping."

"We'll take it." Boruto agreed, "so, uh, what is it, exactly?"

Kakashi smirked as he pulled out his Makeout Paradise, "you'll find out. Who knows, you may just meet another relative along the way. An uncle? Perhaps?"

Boruto stared at Kakashi in confusion, then gasped, "Uncle Neji?!"

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