75 Days of a Zombie Apocalypse - World Ending

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It was a warm Friday night as I was walking down the neighborhood street to go home from Dave's house. As I walked, the neighborhood scenery changed into the downtown area. The building's colors turned brown as the streets turned into a black so dark, it was like an endless pit. The moonlight turned a dark grey as I continued my journey home. I turned the corner of a creepy building, that was probably a clothing store when I saw a man walking on the other side of the street. At first, he was fine, going along his way like me, but then he leaned over and started coughing, putting his old hands to his throat. I lightly jogged over and stood at his side, placing my hand on her shoulder. 

"Sir? Are you okay?" I asked. 

The man continued to cough. The cough turned from what sounded like a dry throat to one that sounded wet. I watched as spit and a long string that seemed colored fall out of his mouth. I moved my hand from his shoulder and slowly started to back away. Something's wrong. 

The man stopped coughing and removed his hands from his neck, slowly turning his head to look at me. His facial expressions turned from nothingness to him smiling, but his eyes didn't show anything. The man opened his mouth and growled. For I couldn't move no matter how hard I tried, it was like my feet were trapped in cement. The man moved quickly as he grabbed my arm and put his mouth on my arm. I let out a scream that pierced my ears and echoed through the buildings.

I woke up in a thin layer of sweet. It was a dream, a dream I've been having for weeks. They all started differently, but they pretty much ended the same; my death. I sat up in bed rubbing my head as heard sounds coming from the hallway. I got out of bed, walking to the window, pulling one side of the curtain back seeing that everything was normal. Cars driving by, parents on their morning walk as children dressed in their swimsuit played in the sprinklers.

"Jess? You awake?" My mom said after she has knocked. She then opened the door. "Hey sweetheart"

"Hey mom," I said walking to her and then gave her a hug.

"Another bad dream?" She asked

"Yea. Shouldn't they have stopped by now? Its been three weeks" I said

"I know honey," She said, "Do you want to go to a doctor and ask about it? It might be something more than you think."

I shook my head, "No, you know I hate doctors." 

My mom looked at me and moved my hair out of the way, giving a small smile that was supposed to be comforting, "I know," 

"Honey!" My dad yelled, interrupted us 

"Yes?" She yelled back, turning her head towards the door.

My dad showed up in the doorway, he looked a little out of breath "I think you should come and see this," 


"These things do not look alive, they almost look like they are rotting. People from all over are reporting seeing these creatures but no harm has been reported. We ask that you stay inside until things clear." The reporter on the TV said as the newscast showed a video of these creatures walking slow and groaning. They did look rotting, as their skin was coming off their bodies and it looked like their limbs couldn't function as they people do alive.  

"What is it?" I asked as my mom, my dad, and I stood in the living room watching the news.

"I don't know, they look weird though. Maybe some prank?" My mom asked

"Some hell of a prank," My dad said as he kissed my mom, "Anyways, I still have to go to work," 

"Dad, do you think it is safe to go out?" I asked, crossing my arms and leaning on the arm of the couch.

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