Chapter 18 - Infected

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"He pinned me up against the tree and said that if I ever hurt you, he will kill me," he said, his voice in a low tone.

I didn't move or say anything, and the thought of Dave attacking Ross played in my head like a scene from a movie. Anger than began to fill me, rising at a steady pace. I tried not to show it, but Ross knew everything about me, the inside and out; he had studied me for so long that he knows my every move.

"Do he have feelings for you?" he asked

"I don't know," I answered honestly, but the response came out too quickly than I had hoped for.

He nodded and looked down. I felt his body tense up and him pulling away, his hand that was once intertwined with mine, now was by his side, leaving my hand cold. I kept my eyes on him, knowing that he was doing the same to me. Dave just seems to surprise me more and more every day and the people that are around him, influencing him. This side of Dave was dark, something that only came out when the world ended, and something that has been hidden within him for so long, that it finally escaped when the panic of his world crashed down around him.

"You guys were never together, right?" Ross asked, placing his hands in his front jean pockets. 

I nodded, "Right."

His body language changed from being comfortable to now awkward, his eyes met the ground as he bit his lip, running his hand through his hair before he laid one of his fingers against his lips.

"I don't have anything for him," I said as he finally looked up at me, "I don't like him that way."

"I know," he said before he looked back down a quick second before meeting my eyes again, a smile appearing on his face, "If you liked him, you wouldn't fuck so good."

I playfully hit it on his arm, blushing as I caused his smile to widen, his straight teeth showing. 

"I think you're right," I joked with him

He raised his eyebrows, "I know I am," 

I smiled before he leaned him, close to me this time, placing a soft and gentle kiss on my lips, pulling me closer with every second he could. 

"Please, don't let him get to you," he said, pulling away for a second, 

"I should be the one saying it to you," I said as he blushed, moving in again, kissing me.


My group made it on its way continuing the journey of the highway, moving through cars and stopping for water, it was just like every day, expect Rosey started coughing. We had figured it was the common cold, nothing really to worry about, kept our eye on medicine and first aid in the cars, but nothing really showed up. Rosey was fine that morning, but when it came to mid-afternoon, she had stopped walking and kneeled down. Demi caught it when Rosey's hand left hers while she stood a few inches in front of her, and we all caught it when we heard the noises of throwing up behind us, coming from the little girl. Demi had rushed to Rosey's side, to comfort her, giving a scared look to my father. We didn't say anything as Demi helped Rosey back up, slowly starting to walk again. Ross kept a close eye on her too, after all, she was his sister,  but even if she wasn't, he would still be worried about her safety and her health, physically and mentally. 

As the day went on, Rosey didn't get much better; she coughed more and looked so miserable like she had a high fever. Demi's arm wrapped around Rosey's small waist as we carried on, sweat forming on Rosey's face, the bags under her eyes were more noticeable, her mouth parted a way that showed us she was in pain and it didn't like what was happening to her, I wouldn't blame her honestly. We had taken more breaks that day, watching Rosey carefully, Demi and Ross taking care of her as the rest of us stood guard or watched, tried to make small talk, trying to ignore the fact of what Rosey really caught and hoping we wouldn't have to get to the point of no return: death. 

"We'll find some medicine," my father told Demi. 

But Demi didn't move, just kept her hand on Rosey's forehead as she sat next to Rosey's laying body, her eyes closed, more sweat forming. Demi never took her eyes off Rosey, not even for a second, and I could tell she didn't believe that this was the common cold, that it was something much more. And secretly, we all knew it deep down. 


"She's getting worse," Demi told my father, looking back at Rosey, seeing Ross dabbing a wet piece of cloth on her forehead, "I don't think she's sick."

"Was she bitten?" my father asked as Demi crossed her arms

"There are no marks anywhere," Demi said, "I've checked her body twice." 

My father nodded and thought for a minute, "Does she have any medical conditions?"

"No, she's a perfectly normal healthy child," Demi said, looking back at Ross and Rosey. 

"She could just be really sick, Dem" My father said, causing her to look back at him, "I hate to say it-"

"Then don't," she cut him off as they looked into each other eyes. 

She shook her head and walked to Rosey and Ross, putting her hand on his shoulder, causing Ross to look up at her. She gave him a half smile and looked at Rosey, who was trying her hardest to sleep peacfully, but coughed everytime she closed her eyes to rest. Ross also looked at Rosey for a second, before he turning his attention to his mom, I saw his lips move, him talking to her, but I was to far to hear what he had asked. Demi didn't say anything, just kept her gaze at Rosey. The context was already there, and Ross' emotions towards her not answering, shattered my world. 


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