Chapter 14 - Excited

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I didn't mean to kill Louis, honestly. It was just a tactic I thought would scare Cher, to make her leave me alone or just to back off right there. But a part of me did want to hurt her, to make her pay, she took everything away from me within a few days and I wanted her to feel the same pain that I went through, but I never meant to take Louis's life. I didn't even think about pulling the trigger and when it went off, I felt something in me die, for I took a life. It's different from zombies to humans because even though zombies walk around and eat like a normal person, they don't know what they're doing, their dead. Their just mindless bodies that carry on in life as a person would. When I killed Louis, I felt sorry. For him and Cher. For the people around me who saw it, those screams still echo in my head now and then and it causes me to go weak to the knees. I've cried knowing that I killed him for someone's purpose, that I killed him to get back to someone. Zedd was right, I now have to deal with another man's life on my hands for the rest of my life. 


It's been about a week since the fight happened. After my dad checked up on me, he and Ross helped me up and we left with Demi, Rosey, and Dave, who was hiding behind a few trees, Demi didn't want Rosey to see what was going on, I didn't blame her. For the next few days after that, everyone really kept to themselves mostly. My dad was back to making jokes which made everyone smile and laugh, but after that, Demi kept her head down, Rosey know got along with my dad now and Dave kept his distance when need be. But besides that, everything was normal, we kept on our way to the next state finding the safe haven and I joke around with Ross and Dave. It felt weird as our group became smaller and the fact that people had to adjust to it being smaller. 

It was just another day as we made it to the town we were supposed to make it to a week and a half ago, but we did it. We went through shops to find food, which we didn't have and the smaller things we would give to Rosey or Ross, even though Ross refused after the time and the food was then given to Demi. The shops were pretty much empty telling us that we weren't the first people to show up here. It took us about two hours to get through all the shops and such before we met together on the road, telling each other what each of us found. 

"How many cans?" My dad asked Demi as she started to give him cans

"Only six," she said, "I found a first aid kit, I thought it would be helpful." 

My dad gave her a small smile "Good eye." 

My dad and Demi had something, it was dating nor friendship, I believe somewhere in between, but it wasn't friends with benefits, you know? They seemed to close to be just friends but too far away from dating. Ross caught it too and seemed a little upset by it, knowing that Rosey has Demi's full attention now that she's growing up and he didn't want to be replaced, I know that. I didn't really have a problem with it either, most of the time. I thought it was sweet but at the same time the flashback to my mother's death showed up and made me sad about it, feeling like my father was trying to replace my mother, but I know that he's too good to do such a thing. 

As my dad was packing up the food, Dave, Ross and I joked around with each other as I saw a store catch my eye. "Manny's Art" in big bright pink hung on the front arch of the store doors. I looked inside and saw sketchbooks, notebooks, paint and much art stuff that I haven't thought about it a while. I wasn't really artistic type, I enjoyed watching people make art rather than me do it myself. I barely got passed Art class in high school because of this, I wouldn't start fights with the teacher, Mr. Kain, when he told me to change my ways, but as soon as I told my parents the same night, my mother would be in the office the next morning. Let's just say Mr. Kain didn't like me so much. But as I saw the books, I remembered the drawing of the finger on the lips Ross did. And once we started to walk again, I pulled it out and caught his attention. 

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