Chapter 21 - Never The Same

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The next day the weather hit us really hard. It was already Fall and October, for it was really cold. There was a small breeze that was chilling, the sky kept its gray tone from the nighttime, causing little to no light show threw the clouds. We all tried to keep warm with the clothes we had but it was too cold that way. Dave wore one of his blankets over his shoulders and there would be times were Dave would give me or Ross the blanket for a bit before we swished it to someone else. My father and Demi hung by close as Dave, Ross and I huddled together, like always. Its been a few hours since we all have talked to each other, our minds to focused on what our destination was, our minds thinking of the outcomes and the problems we faced once we got to the wall. Besides the news of the wall, what really was there to talk about? We couldn't bring up past events or the futures; we would too afraid that we would give false hope to each other. 

I put my head on Ross's shoulders and looked up towards the sky. He had his arm wrapped around me from the side, keeping me close as me, Ross and Dave gave up taking turns, and now had the blanket on us, causing us to be very close to on another. We gathered up enough heat to make our breaths come out looking like it was smoke. 

We were now only a few miles away from the wall and it looked like Dave couldn't wait to see what was up ahead, because he took off his part of the blankets and ran for it, smiling as he looked back for a moment before he looked ahead. Ross and I was the next one to go, him grabbing my hand as he grabbed the blanket with his other hand, holding it was we ran. The cold chilly air hitting my face was painfully numb, but I was like Dave, I was excited to see over the wall. I soon looked behind me and saw my father and Demi right behind us, Demi laughing along the way. I wonder if every time she's with my dad, she feels young again, I've only seen her this happy when she's with my dad, feeling free. I wonder what her last relationship was like, Ross's father that he never knew. I smiled at her looking so happy before I turn my face right, always bumping into Dave, seeing that the time flew by and we were right now by the wall. Snow began to fill the air as we looked around, catching our breaths. To the left and right there was nothing but wall, but to the right, there was a metal staircase that leads up to the top of the wall. I looked up and saw the night sky, a dark purple and blue. I felt relaxed looking up at the sky, I wished that I have seen more nights that the sky gave off this beautiful comforting feeling. 

Then, A bright light turned on behind us, a helicopter sound forming in my ears as I realized I had blocked out the sounds of the night. We all turned around and looked up, seeing the helicopter over ahead of us. My father then began swinging his arms, letting them know that we were here and that we were humans. The helicopter kept flying until it reached the helipad, the light now shining on the other side of the wall. Soon, we turned to see six mean coming down the stairs; they were dressed in camouflage clothes, wore black boots, each had a rifle in their hands as they marched our way. They each wore a helmet and a bandanna over their mouth.

the leader of the group stepped forward and pulled down his bandanna, revealing a short blonde beard, a smile appearing on his face.

"Don't worry, you're safe now." 

He had motioned for the rest of his group to come and they did, guarding us as we made our way up the six flights of stairs, walking down the small hallway to the helicopter. The blades swinging around made a frightening loud noise the closer we got to it. 

"How many of you is there?" the man asked

"Just us, five." my father said as the men helped us in the helicopter. 

The man nodded as Demi and my father got in first, sitting on the two seats right behind the flyer, me, Ross and Dave, following in that order sitting on the three seats in the back. The man then got in, sitting in front of us, hanging on the bar as he motioned the flyer to go up. As soon as I felt us rising in the air, I grabbed Ross' hand and squeezed tightly. We were all looking out the helicopter as the ground become distant from us. On the other side of the wall was nothing that we expected: There were more zombies then we ever saw, huge bloody creatures that looked skinless filled the area as well are creatures that looked like just black bones. They were fighting each other, some were just hanging around but others were trying to escape the wall. 

"We did our best to keep them in," the guy with the beard said

"You mean these things are out there?" my father asked

The blond bearded man didn't respond to the question, just looked the other way out of the helicopter. 

"Where are we going?" I asked

The man took his gaze and placed it on me, a smile appeared on his face.

"Somewhere better, trust me. Way better than this. I can't really tell you much until we actually get there."

Silence filled the helicopter as we were on our way to the unknown. I knew I wasn't the only one wondering what was next for us and how things would turn out. Ross wrapped his arms around me and placed his head on my shoulder, the blonded bearded man taking a quick glaze before he looked away, a small smirk on his face. 

I didn't want to believe that we actually made it, but a feeling inside appeared and I feel really great about being saved. We hoped for something better and it felt like we actually got it, even if it was a long time coming. I felt like everything, all the lies, hurt, pain, crying, smiling and regret, it was all gone and it was done with. Death was truth untold and I'll do everything in the memories of the ones that I've lost. All the stories of growing up and getting a job or going to college were gone, no one wanted a simple life like that anymore, we were all used to how things were now; the thought of doing something normal and great with our lives to be known for was never real to us. Even though I hate to admit this at the beginning of our journey, this is our life and we can't control big events that happen. I'll never understand why things happen but I'll have hope that the best is yet to come out of those hardships. We just have to spare the moment and live in it, make every moment count. We'll still fight for things that we don't need anymore just out of habit, we will always lose our loved ones through the sad ways of life, but maybe one day we can be with them again if we really do believe. People walk out and in our lives, some of them never come in our lives and some may never live us. I'm starting to believe that we were saved, even if it does seem too soon. 

The world has changed and it will never be the same, I have to remember that. Never the same.

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