Chapter 13 - The Kill

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"For leaving you?" my dad asked confused, "She said she left you because it was too late."

"Too late for what?" I asked, "She knocked me out and took Rosey! I woke up to no one." 

My dad's face went from still being shocked to him getting angry. He knew it too, what Cher was up too. 

"Are you using Louis to get to Cher?" Zedd asked

I looked at him, "He's the hooded man that took Ross." 

"No," Zedd said, shocked

"He admitted himself," I said and looked down at Louis, seeing him still crying, "Looks like the guy with the knife isn't as brave as you think." 

There was silence between us. They were both taking in what I said and vise versa. Why did Cher say that I died? Did she really want me that gone? She's gonna pay for what she did. 


I look up to see Ross from a distance, standing in the perfect view between my dad and Zedd. Tears began to form in his eyes as well as mine.

"You're okay," he said

I nodded, giving a small smile, "And you are too." 

I looked at him some more and than looked to his right, seeing Cher right there. My smile went away as she stepped closer, seeing Louis being held at gunpoint. 

"Don't hurt him or I swear to god!" Cher yelled

"You swear to god what?" I asked, getting angry, "That you'll kill me? You want the lie to become the truth, huh?" 

Cher didn't say anything. She knew she lost right there. "If we do this, they can't help you." 

"I'm not asking for help," I said, cocking the gun that still pointed at Louis's head, "I want to end this,"

"You mean me?" she asked stepping closer, "You don't know who you're talking to." 

"Really?" I said, moving the gun closer to Louis' head, "Cause all I see is a pussy." 

"Jess?" my dad said, looking at me, a hand being put on my shoulder. 

I thought I had looked at him for a second, but I guess it was longer; For Cher had ran to my dad with her hand with such force, that when she hit his face, everything turned to slow mow as she hit him, seeing a few teeth fly out of his mouth as his eyes that was once looking into mine was was being closed. My dad dropped to the ground as she moved on to the next victim: me. She put her arms around my waist and slammed me down to the ground, but before she could, I felt my finger that was on the trigger push down, a gunshot echoing in the air as I heard screams and yells from around me. Once I hit the ground, it was like everything came back to a normal pace. Cher was now on top of me, her knees by my hips as she started to punch me in my face, blood beginning to shoot out of my mouth with every swung she made. She lost it, her temper, I could tell. All she was paying attention too now was me and me alone. 

"All this because I got to your feelings, huh?" she asked, grabbing my shirt and pulling my face close to hers, "I got to your feelings of your lover boy, right?" 

She then face budded me with hers, giving herself a moment before she got, Zedd grabbing her by the arms as he began to pull her away. I turned my head and looked at her, seeing her smiling. I pushed myself slowly up and looked behind her for a second, seeing Zedd struggling to keep her away and Demi, Rosey, and Ross out of sight. My eyes then went back to Cher, seeing her laughing now. With all the pain I was in, I ran up to her, pushed Zedd away, holding Cher by her shoulders and forcibly kicked her lower torso with my knee. She grunted as she put her hands on my upper arms, trying to stop me. I heard yells around me again, but I didn't realize what they were saying. My ears began to ring as I continued to knee her again, letting her fall to the ground, she grabbed her stomach and moaned in pain as I kicked her again. 

"You know why you got to me?" I asked, kicking her again, her letting out a cry, "Because I actually love someone, unlike you who used a man for your own gain of someone else's loss."

I was about to kick her but she grabbed my foot and pulled me down, me landing harshly on the ground next to her, as she got up, rolled me over and got on me again, this time, putting her hands on my neck, beginning to squeeze as my airway struggled to get air in. I started beating on her chest to get her off but when that didn't work, I started to hit her face, but all she did was squeeze tighter and move her head away. I felt myself losing control as everything around her started to be fuzzy and blurry. 

"This will be over soon," she said, pushing down harder, causing me to cough.

My body started to stay still as my eyes became heavier and heavier by the moment. My hands stopping beating her face and placed on hers. I felt my eyes roll back as they began to close. My thought process began to stop grinding as my lungs stopped trying to help, I could feel my heart slowly stopping to beat as I closed my eyes. A gun went off as I heard Cher groan. My eyelids were so heavy, but they wanted to watch as Cher's face was in a state of pain, her mouth open as she looked directly at me. I saw blood dripping out of her mouth, landing on her hands and the bottom of my face. She was about to lean forward on me as she was pushed off. My body felt like a system running again after almost shutting down. I gasped for air as I felt my heart began to beat and feeling coming back to my body. I got myself on one arm and looked at her, seeing her dead on ahead of me. I looked over to see my dad knocked out where Cher hit him, and Louis's lifeless body. 

"Jess," Ross said, getting on his knees and pulling me towards him, placing my head on his shoulder, pulling me close. 

I slowly lifted up my hand to touch his jawline but I was too slow, Ross got pulled back as I fell motionless to the ground. 

"What the hell, Jess?" Zedd asked as I turned over, seeing him looking down at me, his hands on his hips, "You think killing is how you handle your shit?" 

"She was...dangerous..." I tried to talk but he cut me off. 

"I don't care," he said, "We don't kill incident people." 

"Louis was about to hurt him..." I said, trying to sit up, but got pulled up by Zedd. I tried to stand on my feet as he held on to me. 

"Hurt is different than killing, Jess." he said, "I thought you were different. You now have to deal with the rest of your life knowing you killed someone, and have the guilt of another person." 

"Don't make it three, Zedd." 

Zedd and I looked behind him, seeing my dad standing up. His lip was busted open and blood was dripping out of his mouth a little bit. He held the gun straight at Zedd. 

"Don't do it," Zedd said

"Than get your hands off my daughter." my dad warned. 

Zedd stared at him for a bit and then he let me go. I stood up for a moment before falling, getting caught in Ross's arms as we went down to the ground in the same position we were before Zedd pulled Ross away. My dad began to walk to us and lowered his gun. 

"I can't deal with killers," Zedd said

"Than leave," my dad said, looking at him one last time before he kneeled next to me. "You put up a hell of a good fight...I know I shouldn't be proud that you killed Louis, but...You kicked ass." 

I nodded the best I could, a smile appearing on my face, "I know." 

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