Chapter 8 - Feelings

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We made it to a safe place on the road that we all stopped for the night. My legs were in so much pain by running and the long walk that my dad, Dave and I had for a few days now. Zedd, May, and Yon were really friendly and basically talked to us all night, telling us stories about their past, but mostly how the group came together. Zedd was first alone when the world went down and he was on his own for a while until he met May, who was also on her own and they decided to join together and have each other's back. Yon came after, he was an electrician and found Zedd and May, he was up working on the power outage in his area on a power tower and got stuck up there, for zombies were below him and he didn't know how to defend himself back then. Demi, Ross, and Rosey soon came after; Rosey automatically connected with Zedd as Ross was a little scared too, and Demi found comfort in May, she never had a close lady friend and they talked about their problems and didn't have to feel awkward about it, because their both women and went through similar experiences. Demi was a single mother from the start and so was May, until May's boyfriend at the time ran off with their kid, leaving her feeling emptiness; she told me that she doesn't regret it all happening, for she was on too many drugs at the time to fully understand that her child was missing. Cher and Louis found the rest of the group a couple of days later. Cher didn't like the idea of having kids, because she said: "they'll waste our time." Louis, being a shy man that grew up with a history of abuse, found the rest of the group a little scary, but Zedd said he's better now then what he acted like a few days ago.

My dad, Dave and I stayed in our group together, but our group joined the other group. I didn't consider these people weird, it was nice actually meeting other people than the two faces I technically grew up with. Everyone was friendly, expect Cher, who sometimes gave an attitude about the smallest things, but I didn't take it the wrong way. Ross was shy, especially around me and Dave, but he ended up talking to us a few times that night. We stopped by a car and ate, Zedd and Yon still going on about stories and the things I've heard from the people that once were alive. It was nice to hear their stories, even if everyone else heard them a million times, it was nice to hear someone else's journies instead of us having to speak, but I guess I spoke too soon. 

"What's your story?" Yon asked as everyone else looked at us three. 

The whole time we heard them, not telling them about us that much because where we're we even start you know?

"I've been Jess' friend for two years now," Dave started, "Joined her and her mom when everything went down. I was left alone in my house as my parents brushed the apocalypse off and went to work." 

"You haven't found them?" Yon asked

Dave shook his head, "Not that I've been looking anyways. Their probably out of state by now, maybe even a few." 

"Where's your mother now, Jess?" May asked.

Silence filled the air as my dad stood up and walked into the forest, "Gotta use the bathroom,"

"I'm sorry," Zedd caught on after a minute my dad was gone.

"It's okay," I said, "She got bitten and wanted to take out her own suffering than we do it for her...She never liked to be weak in front of other people." 

Zedd nodded as Louis had started making a campfire, putting bushes and tree sticks together. 

"Where were you at when this all happened?" Yon asked us

"I was at home with mom and Dave, my dad went to work," I said and looked down, putting down my food, "Nothing big, really." 

"Where did he work?" Cher spoke up as I looked at her.

"Mini Lee," I answered

"Oh, I heard about that place," Demi said, "I heard it's nice working there."

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