Chapter 3 - No Where To Be Found

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I woke up to the sound of clawing on the window. I thought maybe it was a bird, trying to get in or another animal wanting safety, but after I slowly opened my eyes, I saw a zombie. At first I jumped, but I didn't freak out as I normally would. The zombie didn't know that we were in the car until he saw me wake up, now he was smacking his hand against the window. I heard Dave slowly wake up next to me and look my way. 

"Roll down the window and kill it," Dave said, rubbing his eyes.

"You're crazy if you think I'm gonna do that," I said, looking at him and seeing his looking back at me. 

He then let out a sigh and grabbed one of the knives that were sitting the cup holder and opened the door, getting out. He walked to my side and raised his knife, stabbing the zombie in the head with a lot of force, blood threw to the window, the thick liquid rolling down. I looked away as I heard my mom move in the back. I looked up to see Dave getting back in the car. 

"We need to keep moving," he said.

"I'll drive this one, you take the other car," I said

"Why?" he asked

"My mom's asleep, I don't want to wake her up," I said

"Too bad," he said, reaching his arm out to touch her shoulder, but before he could, I put my hand on his arm, him looking up at me. 

"Take the other car, she doesn't sleep good without dad around." I said. 

He moved his arm back as I let go his, he just looked at me for a moment. He just nodded and got out, getting to the other car. I climbed over the cup holders and sat in the front seat, trying to hot-wire the car. I failed a few times but when I got it, I felt relief. I heard my mother wake up as I followed Dave.

"We off already?" my mother asked with a yawn

"Yea, wanted to have some daylight when we see dad," I lied a little. 

She nodded and climbed to the front passenger front. She rolled down the window, letting in the warm breeze of Summer that didn't mix in well with the heat of the car. She started to wave her face with her hand

"We need some rain," she said

I nodded in agreement. I looked around and studied the landscape; it just looked like everything was okay. I gave me a feeling like nothing really happened to the world at all. I've been getting that feeling lately, and I'm not sure how to control it. Dave moved the car into the other lane, trying not to run over something and I did the same. I saw from the corner of my eyes my mom turned her head to look at it, then put his hand on the dashboard to really see it, as she leaned forward. 

"Honey, stop the car," she said.

I did what I was told and placed my foot on the brake, letting her get out of the car and lightly jogged to what was on the road. I didn't really think anything at that moment, just wondered about the small things. She came back with a black case, the one that looked my father took yesterday morning.

"Look at this," she said, opening the case and pulling out a picture, giving it to me. 

It was a picture of me and my mom hugging, one that looked like it was from one or two years ago. It was probably one dad took when me and my mother didn't notice. He tried getting into photography as a hobby and it took off for a bit, until his camera got stolen. He was really thankful that there wasn't a role of film in it. I put the picture in my pocket. 

"Is it his case?" I asked

"Looks like it," she said as tears filled her eyes. God, I hope he's okay. 

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