Chapter 6 - Already Dead

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I was standing in front of my mom as she kept turning her head from side to side. I couldn't see the environment around us, but from the corner of my eyes, it seemed like pitch black. I couldn't move my body or my head, not even my eyes would move, every part of me was just stuck on her and her alone. As she turned her head from side to side, her appearance changed; Her blonde hair changing to blonde but with spots of red in it, her body from being healthy to slowly losing the meat that was on her bones, and her face from her normal skin tone to a green but her eyes are what made me afraid. Her warm brown eyes changed to being bloodshot to then purple. For I knew what this meant, it meant that she had turned into a zombie. Her head stopped turning and it went down, like something on the ground caught her attention. She didn't do anything for a moment, but I heard the noise of her nose trying to smell something in the air. All of a sudden, she moved so quickly that I didn't even notice she was right in front of me. I tried to scream but nothing came out. I felt the warm liquid that was once in my body pour out all over me, but I didn't know where it came from. I closed my eyes and opened them

Seeing light on the padded ceiling of the car. I took a few deep breaths, too scared to close my eyes, for I didn't want to see the sight of my mother into a walker again. I felt a hand on my shoulder that made me jump, as I look to see Dave turned around in the passenger's seat, a concerned look on his face.

"You alright?" he asked, "You're breathing really hard."

I didn't notice I was until he had said it. I just sat up and looked at my body, seeing no blood, but just a thin layer of sweat. 

"You had another dream, didn't you?" he asked moving his arm and still looking at me.

"She turned," I said

"Your mother?" he asked.

I nodded as I felt tears in my eyes, "I can't lose her."

"You won't, I promise," he said as he replaced his hand on my shoulder, "I promise you I won't let that happen." 

I took in other deep breath and looked up out the window to still see that it was still nighttime. I then looked around and saw that my parents were gone. "Where are they?" 

"There outside talking," he said 

"This late?" I asked.

"I guess they needed space," he said as be looked at me fully and then back at me. "Will you be okay?" 

"I don't know," I replied honestly, "The dreams took the world from me and I don't want them to take my mother from me either." 

"I understand that," he said as he looked straight ahead and then back at me. "I won't let that happen, you have my word."

I looked at him and nodded, "Thank you."

"Of course," he said with a smile as I turned my whole body to face him. 

He grabbed my hand and squeezed it before looking up at me and meeting my eyes. I didn't really fancy Dave, not in a dating way but in a friendly way, he gave me more comfort than my own parents did sometimes. We had met over the internet a few years ago and we have been close ever since really. I was a little scared when I met him because his intentions could be wrong or I literally could've been catfished, but he showed up as his profile picture and even paid for my coffee. We were at each other's sides as we went through shit that was painful and we kept at each other's sides to now. I didn't like Dave as my boyfriend but a friend I could really trust and rely on, but I don't think he felt the same way when he was literally over his seat, leaning in to kiss me at that moment. 

I didn't tell him to stop, as a matter of fact, I didn't say anything, I just let him do it. He kept leaning in and closed his eyes, his lips forming a kiss. It didn't go far though cause the minute he was about to kiss me, the driver's door opened. Dave quickly sat down in his seat and acted like nothing happened as my dad got in the driver's seat and my mother opened the back door and got in. 

"Sorry, did we wake you?" my mother as she and my dad closed their doors. 

"No, I  couldn't sleep." I lied as he placed her hand on my head, giving me an "I'm sorry" 

"You alright, son?" My dad asked Dave.

"Yea, just a little cold," he lied to pulling the blanket that was on him and a little bit up to cover his shoulders. 

My dad nodded before he started his statement, "Jenny and I looked at the map that I had and figured out that we're only a few miles away from a gas station. We should be there anytime tomorrow."

A smile appeared on Dave's face, "That's great news." 

"Yea," my father smiled back and turned his head to look at me, "I'll go first thing tomorrow."


My dad was right, we made it to the gas station before the sun set. Dave and I stayed in the car in the seats we were before as my mother and father went to the pumps and filled jugs they had emptied with milk a few minutes before. My dad filled the jugs as my mother watched him, them having a normal conversation. I couldn't help but stare; the way my mother's hair went along with the breeze and the way she stood by him, checking him out when she could. I could still see the love that was between them. When I was younger, I had wished for a relationship like my parents for they never showed that they fought and they just seemed perfect with each other and the life they created for them and even me. A smile appeared on my face as I saw her laughing. But my smile quickly faded as I saw a walker coming up behind her. My body felt tense as I looked at the walker. I opened my mouth and started to say something but no sound came out, it was like I was lip syncing a song that was stuck in my mind. I started pounding on the windows but no noise came from that either, as Dave just continued to look straight. My mother stopped laughing and looked at me, seeing what I was doing and followed my pointed finger to behind her, but it was too late. 

The minute she turned around the walker had bit her neck. The scene played in slow motion as I saw my father look up at her and stood up as quickly as he could to get the zombie off her, seeing Dave turn his head to the sound of her screams that turned into ringing to me. Dave quickly got out of the car and ran up, shooting the zombie after my father pulled it off of her. My dad pulled my mother into his arms as he ended up on the ground, telling her it was gonna be okay as tears ran down his face. I couldn't move, it was like my whole body was paralyzed nor could I speak. The pain swelled up to my throat as I felt like my vocal cords had been torn out of my neck. Dave looked down and placed his hands on his head in worry, probably thinking that the promise he made me just turned into dust and fell down to the ground in a thousand tiny little pieces. My father pulled my mother to his chest and cried as blooding came dripping down on the ground. He kissed my mother's forehead as she tried to talk. My father then turned to look at Dave, Dave giving him the gun. My dad took the gun and slowly placed it in my mother's hands as best as could, shaking the whole time. 

He helped my mom bend her arm, making the gun hit her head and when it did, it cried even more. Even Dave began to cry at the sight and even I felt warm tears hit my lap as I stared at the scene I would never wish on anybody. My dad kissed her one last time as Dave looked up at me for a moment and looked down. My dad's mouth moved as I would think he was lip syncing too, and soon after, Dave got up and walked to me. He was just in perfect view as the only thing that piercing through the ringing in my ears was a gunshot. My door opened as Dave pulled me up and hugged me, my body fill frozen and numb. My head landed on his shoulder as he held me tight, me seeing the aftermath of my mother' death. My father was crying so hard and loud that it slowly started to come through like the gunshot. More warm tears hit Dave's shoulders as I saw her brains on the left side of her, scattered on the pavement, blood dripping down from her head and started to form a mini pool. 

My mother had committed suicide to keep us from getting hurt once she turned and my father experienced it all; a memory that would soon began to fade in a few years. But is it really suicide when you're already dead? 

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