Chapter 17 - It's Clear

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We made out way to a highway, walking in between the paused traffic from months ago, being completely aware of our surroundings. My father lead the group as Dave followed behind him. Demi and I on the sides of Ross while he held Rosey. The weather that day was hot, making it worse when there was no breeze, the sun beating down on us as we kept walking, each of us trying to wipe our sweat off with our shirts and hands. The sun was setting as we went on our way, the orange and pink colors of the sky mixing in so well, casting our shadows to be works of art as the black blended in with the warm colors. As soon as the sun was gone, we stopped for the night and got some rest and to eat, which was what I was expected to do until I saw Ross' legs next to me as I ate. The fork paused in front of my mouth as I looked up, seeing Ross looking down at me, holding his hand out for me to grab. I closed my mouth and set down my food, grabbing his hand and standing up. 

"I want to show you something," he said

I continued to look at him, him doing the same, his facial expression looked like he was trying his best to hide something, which his face cracked as soon as we were out of sight from the rest of the group. We walked away hand in hand until we were out of view, then I felt my back being softly yet roughly pushed up against one of the sides of the car, warm lips attacking mine as I felt his hands on each side of me, on the car. Ross' lips had a mind of their own whenever he came across me, and it didn't fight against them, he knew he would lose anyway. I placed my hands on his shoulders as he pushed his body against mine, pushing me more into the car. I moaned as he pulled his lips away from mine for a moment. 

"God, you're so hot," he said as he moved down to my neck, biting my skin, then sucking on it.

I moved my hands to his hair, taking off his hat before my fingers gripped his locks. He made a quiet noise as I did this, knowing that it would get to him. After more minutes of making out and creating love marks on each other's skin, he pulled away, his eyes focused on my neck.

"Your dad pulled me over for a talk," he started

I froze up, I was nervous about what my dad had wanted and what he said it, how it said it and the tone it said it with. 

"He said we're cute together," he started again, placing his hand on the side of my neck, his thumb running over the mark he created, "And how your mother and him met." 

I closed my eyes and smiled, remembering myself; They met on a rainy day at the start of June. They each went to their favorite cafe for their morning coffee, my mother sitting at a table with a couple of her friends at the time while he just entered the cafe, him walking up to the stand and placing his order, waiting a while since the cafe was busy every morning. The story goes that they gave each other glances, but it was my mom who made the first move. She and her friends talked about how attractive he was and how they waited for him to walk up and talk to them, but he ever did. My father always said that the way my mother's blonde hair was brown back then and the sun coming up behind her gave her her own halo. My father was in awe when he saw her, and he lost his courage to go give her his number, which my mother did instead. She got up from her seat, her telephone number on a piece of paper in her hand, as she walked across the cafe, her head down to cover the fact that she was blushing. Once they were standing in front of each other, they said their greetings and she gave him her number. My mother always said that he didn't call until a week later while my father says different, I wonder what side he told Ross. My father always told me after that he normally hated busy days, but he was thankful to be stuck in line for his coffee if it meant that he met his wife. 

I looked back up at Ross, seeing that his eyes never left mine. 

"I really like the story," he said, placing his other hand on my hip, "But I like ours better." 

I blushed and looked down, seeing the space he created between us. 

"He doesn't mind it, as long as our careful," he said, leaning in.

"I don't know," I said, "You pretty crazy when you get going." 

He smiled and looked down before meeting my eyes again, this time, his hand that was on my neck moved to my hand, intertwining his fingers with mine, gently pulling our hands up and against the car. 

"I like it crazy," he said, "but I'm always careful about sex." 

"That's one of the things I love about you," I said, giving him a quick kiss before he could take control.

There was a moment of silence before he spoke up.

"I love you so much, Jess," he said, his voice got a little bit quiet.

"I love you so much, too, Ross," I whispered, putting my forehead against his.

"I really do," he said, "I'll do anything for you." 

"I know and I'll do the same," I said before he moved his face away from mine, looking me in my eyes.

"I mean it," he stated

"I mean it too," I said, getting a bit nervous again, "Is everything okay?" 

He looked down and bit his lip, his eye wondering if he should tell me what I was getting ready to hear. 

"Its...It's nothing," he said

"Please don't lie to me," I said, placing my hand on his face.

He kept looking down until a few seconds later, his eyes meeting mine again. 

"Dave doesn't like me..." he said, "He made it really clear." 

"How?" I asked, a pit forming in my stomach.

Ross took in a deep breath and hesitated before the words came falling out of his mouth. 

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