Chapter 2 - Change in Something Small

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I heard talking coming from the kitchen as woke up. I opened my eyes and saw them sitting at the kitchen table. I would've thought they were just chatting, but Dave's body language showed something else. I haven't seen him like this before, first yesterday with the bag and now him trying to be the leader. 

"Moring beauty,"  My mom as she looked at me, causing Dave to look at me.

"Is everything okay?" I asked, sitting up. 

"Oh yea, just telling your mom a story," Dave said and nodded, but the look on my mother's face said differently. 

"What are we doing?" I asked. 

"First, I guess we need a plan. Maybe leaving and heading somewhere safe" Dave said, rubbing his forehead

"And we need to go and get your father." my mother said. 

I nodded and looked around, the power didn't come back on, but besides that, everything seemed normal. I wonder how long it's been now. I return my attention to my mother and Dave.

"What are they?" I asked

"There zombies," My mother said.

I kind've let out a small laugh as they stared at me. I stopped as soon as I saw them, "You're serious? You can't be serious. Zombies aren't real."

"Then what would you call them?" Dave asked in a tone that seemed angry. 

Dave and I just looked at each other for a few minutes until he looked away and changed the subject. Did he just snap at me? 

"Well, we pack any food and we need to stay together at all times," Dave said, "But how good are you two with weapons?" 

"Weapons?" my mother asked as Dave stood up and walked to his bag. Grabbing it and taking it back to the table, unzipping it as I jumped up and walked over to them.

"Jesus fucking Christ," my mother swore, creating a cross on her torso with her hand. My mother isn't religious, but when the context of this, I probably would've done the same thing. 

"Where did you get all of this?" I asked as I looked inside. 

"My grandfather was a collector," he said, as I looked inside the bag, seeing all types of guns, knives, a bat or two and bullets. It scared me to see how many killing devices were in that bag. I believe that was another red flag. 


Quickly after, I had gone to my room to change from my PJs to a pair of jeans, a pair of high-tops and a plain black shirt. I had put my hair in a ponytail, pulling out my bags sighing. I had then started to pack clothes for the summer and winter because who knows how much time will fly by. I kept looking around the room for things that I might need but all of them seemed unless by this point: My phone, books, notebooks, makeup, other shit that you would find in a teenager's room. I was about to zip up the bag when my eye caught the picture of me, my mother and my father. I walked to it and picked it up. I hope that he's okay and safe, I thought as I ran my fingers on the frame. 

"We'll see you soon," I said as I placed the frame in my bag and zipped it up, grabbing the bag and leaving the room. 

I made it out to the living room, seeing my mother come out of the kitchen with canned food, and Dave cleaning a small rifle in his hand. 

"Okay, how do we do it?" I asked Dave, "How do we kill them?" 

"I'll show you, here, take this," He said and he gave me a gun, the rifle. 

"But I don't know how to shoot it!" I said

"You're going to learn," he said going to the door. 

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