Kevin [1]

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Kevin has always been your best friend. Through the rough times and happy times, you guys have always been there for each other. Never once have you left him hanging or alone. But he has. When Reggie broke up with you, you really needed him. But guess where he was?

He was at Betty's. Helping her get ready for her date with Archie. You felt abandoned at the time you needed him most. You cried even more realizing that he left you. But you should've known that it would happen because he's been really distant.

So you called him, but you got the voicemail right away, which caused a tear to start down your cheek. Then you put your phone down and got out your journal whilst listening to your favourite pianist.

The words of him saying he would never abandon you entered your head as you jotted his name down in your journal. When you were done, your eyeliner and mascara had been smeared so you decided to wash you face. But the problem was, your eyes were still red and glossy.

Trying to calm yourself down, you heard someone open your door and turned around really fast only to see Kevin.

"Y/N?" He asked. "What's wrong?"

"You." you answered bluntly.

"Me?" He asked as if he was offended.

"You abandoned me!" You snapped. "Reggie broke up with me and I needed you most because you're the only person who knew how much he meant to me! I needed a shoulder to cry on. Preferably my best friends!"

"Y/N, I'm so sorry." Kevin moved closer to you as you stepped back.

"Don't." You started. "I never want to see you again."


"Leave, Kevin." You cried. "Please leave."

Without another word, Kevin left with sadness as you let out a choked sob, then heard your brothers door open and him jogging to your room.

"What happened?" Moose demanded angrily.

"Reggie broke up with me." You managed.

"I'll kill him."




Heyo! How was this imagine? It's coming pretty early because I don't think I'll be able to update tonight. Might be busy at my aunties helping her clean. But maybe you guys will get a double update ;)


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