Chapter 1 - The starting point

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Chapter 1

Sherlock ascended the stairs of Appledore with a slight trembling in his body that made him trip up the steps.

He tousled his head nervously as he knocked on the door; his system yearning for drugs.

His hands twitched as he waited for Magnussen to answer.

"Come on!" He spat under his breath.

Minutes later a tall man appeared at the door. He had on a three-piece Armani suit and an ear piece. Sherlock could tell that he was Magnussen's assistant, with that kind of taste in clothes he had to be.

"Where is he?" Sherlock asked.

He was starting to shake now from the withdrawals.

"He's busy, sir. You have to make an appointment." The assistant spoke calmly.

Sherlock clutched a laptop under his arm tightly as he rocked on the spot.


The guy looked at him and listened to something through his earpiece. He turned back to Sherlock and gestured for him to come inside.

Sherlock stepped into the large space of Magnussen's home, taking in the brightness of the place and its enormity.

He couldn't think straight, his legs wobbled beneath him and he was panting slightly.

"Magnussen I want to make a deal" He shouted through the house, allowing it to echo to its recipient.

Magnussen soon walked around the corner, heading straight towards Sherlock. He had a three-piece suit on just like his assistant's but more expensive. On the tip of his nose rested thin framed glasses that made him look older than he is. He had grey hair and a look that could terrify you into submission. It gave Sherlock the creeps; even more so when Magnussen began circling slowly around him.

"You said you wanted to make a deal. What sort of deal?" Magnussen spoke with an intimidating tone.

"A deal you will like."

"You mean a deal that I have no interest in..."

"Magnussen, I promise you will like this deal." Sherlock spoke breathlessly.

"Oh poor Mr Holmes, you are sweating profusely and your eyes are as red as anything. I like to see you like this it suits you. It means I can get anything from you because you are wanting so badly of something I have."

Sherlock looked up at Magnussen with a glare that could halt an army.

"Do you want my brother's laptop or not? I can leave now and you will wonder why you never accepted such a deal. This laptop has government secrets and I can give you the password!" Sherlock began to plead. His body began to ache for the things it craved most: Drugs.

"How do you know I even want that laptop?" Magnussen raised his eyebrows. "For all I know, it could be bugged. Your brother would never, not take all precautions..."

"I shut them all down. He has no idea it is gone, I left a replica. Now please Magnussen... I need it..." Sherlock dropped to his knees. "Please."

Magnussen began laughing a chilling laugh as he shook his head.

"I don't want the laptop, so you have nothi-"

Sherlock interrupted Magnussen mid-speech.

"No please I will give you anything. Anything." He pleaded.

"Wow. You truly are desperate; the great Sherlock Holmes pleading." Magnussen grinned menacingly. He had Sherlock right where he wanted him.

"If you had let me finish, I was going to say 'You have nothing I want, unless you are willing to work for me."

Sherlock stood up, clasping the laptop to his chest.


Magnussen nodded and held out his hand. Sherlock shook it and closed his eyes as he contemplated what he had just got into. He never wanted to work for Magnussen, especially after he had nearly killed John in a bonfire. But his body was wanting and he needed the drugs.

"Welcome." Magnussen said with a dominant tone.

"Take that laptop back to your brother before he notices, you fool. I will text you details of the work and if you do not comply, I will let John know about your little...addiction." He grinned smugly, looking Sherlock deep in the eye.

Sherlock nodded. "I understand."

"Leave now and don't tell John about this visit. I doubt he'll be happy about it and you don't want your poor little damsel in distress leaving you now, do you?" Magnussen spoke with a tone that chilled Sherlock to the bone. It felt as though he was in his head.

"I promise I won't tell him." Sherlock whispered.

"Good. Now go."

"But wait, what about the drugs? We had a deal."

"Ah yes, what would you like dear Sherlock?"

"I want everything you have got."

Hey everyone so this is my first attempt at a fanfic for an existing show/book. I am a little rusty at the writing at the moment. If you have any pointers for me or would like something added into the storyline let me know. Thanks for reading.

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