Chapter 18 - True or false

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John awoke to the sunlight shining into his eyes through the open curtains of the front room. He rubbed at his eyes and tried to sit up but his armed was weighted down. He looked down to see Sherlock sleeping so peacefully in his arms, John had never seen him sleep so soundly and he looked so beautiful.

John laid back down carefully as not to wake Sherlock, he needed the sleep. As he did a smile crept onto his lips as he wrapped his other arm around Sherlock's sleeping form, he'd never been able to do this before, sure he'd dreamt about it but now it was real. Sherlock lay in his arms.

John wanted to cherish the moment with Sherlock because he knew that Sherlock may wake up and not feel anything that he felt last night. Usually in Sherlock's mind it's too crowded with knowledge, so feelings aren't an option. They are unnecessary in Sherlock's eyes as they hold you back.

John lay just looking at Sherlock sleeping for about 20 minutes, when he felt him stirring from his sleep. John quickly pretended he was asleep but Sherlock was too good at that game.

"I know you are awake John, I can practically feel your eyes burning into my head. You can't fool me" Sherlock said, busting John in the act.

John just chuckled in response.

Sherlock sat up, swung his legs off of the chair and stood up. He then ruffled his hair before making his way to the kitchen. John watched after him in awe.

"Tea, John?" Sherlock asked.

"Er...yes please." John smiled.

He sat up too, watching as Sherlock tiptoed around the kitchen, trying to spare his feet from the cold tiles. John laughed because it made Sherlock that little bit more human.

Sherlock glared at John for laughing before turning back to finish the teas. John held in his laughter with a stupid grin on his face, he didn't want to annoy Sherlock but it was too funny.

As Sherlock brought the tea over, John managed to control the urge to laugh. Instead he thanked Sherlock for the tea and picked up an old newspaper off of the coffee table to read. The two of them just sat in silence, not knowing what to say to eachother.

After a few hours of silence and walking around eachother like obstacles to do things, John finally spoke first. They stood together in the kitchen, leaning against countertops.

"Okay Sherlock, this is getting a bit weird now. Are we not going to talk about last night or not?"John asked, in a dominant tone.

Sherlock shrugged and pulled his 'I have no idea what you mean' face.

"The kissing! Sherlock, on the sofa" John reminded him.

"Oh that. Yes I see, um...what about it?" Sherlock asked in reply.

"Did it mean anything to you? Mr no feelings brainbox."

"I am incapable of expressing feelings, dear John. You know that. Although I must admit it was quite an...'experience' I think is the word to describe it."

"Excuse me?! An 'experience'? Sherlock I practically showed you I love you and you think of it as an experience?!!" John yelled.

John grew angry, shaking his head in disbelief of what he was hearing from the man he'd practically told he loved.

"John, I don't know what you want from me. Whatever it is that you want, I don't know if I can give it to you. I've never done...'love' before." Sherlock sighed, speaking softly.

John didn't want to hear it, he walk out to his room where he changed into his work clothes and smartened himself up. He'd lost his rag with Sherlock now, he needed a break for a few hours. He thought maybe himself and Sherlock had spent too much time together and a break was needed.

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