Chapter 22 - News

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When Sherlock awoke, he realised quickly that John was missing from his side. The heat that soothed him had disappeared. He was about to panic when he suddenly smelt cooking. Was John making breakfast?

Sherlock ruffled his hair as he stood up off of the couch. His eyes were puffy from sleep and his clothes were creased from laying down. He looked around for John and indeed found him in the kitchen. He wasn't making breakfast though, he was reading the morning paper whilst Mrs Hudson, cooked a meal.

Sherlock slid onto the chair beside John and flashed him a smile. John immediately gave one back and bit into his bacon strip.

Sherlock turned to Mrs Hudson.

"Mrs Hudson... You know I don't eat breakfast. So why are you cooking me some?" Sherlock asked across the kitchen.

" Oh you know me dear. I make plenty just in case you feel hungry later." Mrs Hudson chimed, sweetly.

Sherlock crossed his arms like a child and frowned miserably.

"I didn't want any breakfast, I told you I can't focus when I eat." He stropped.

John gave him a warning look and took another bit of his food. Sherlock took heed of John's warning and apologised to Mrs Hudson.

" I am sorry Mrs Hudson. I overreacted and it won't happen again. I shall try some of the food when you leave, but not really." Sherlock apologised awkwardly.

John chuckled.

"And there is the true Sherlock. That was almost a perfect apology, we just didn't need the smug ending." John laughed.

Sherlock shrugged and smiled before he snuck off to his room. Mrs Hudson left soon after back down to her flat, which just left John. He sat eating his last bite of food, thinking about the last few days.

He and Sherlock had been through a lot and still came back stronger.

John had found out a few hours earlier that the police were treating the murder scene of Magnussen and his minions, as non-suspicious. It was a drug deal gone bad with unfortunate casualties. That left Sherlock and himself in the clear of any trouble. They were free.

This made John smile as he readied himself to tell Sherlock.

He stood up and put down the newspaper he had been reading. He then wandered straight into Sherlock's room, forgetting to knock beforehand. This was a huge mistake as what he was greeted with, really shocked him.

Sherlock was about to set of his knife throwing machine and John could tell that it would cut Sherlock to pieces. He ran and grabbed the machine away -turning it off- with a sigh at Sherlock's childishness.

" What the hell are you doing?" John questioned.

Sherlock simply answered with his usual line in these situations: "An experiment, duh!"

John shook his head in disbelief and chuckled out laugh. He was so done with Sherlock's antics these days that he just had to laugh.

"You do realise you would have died, right?" John asked in a demanding tone.

" Don't be dramatic John! It was for a case, I would have been fine as always. Don't worry so much." Sherlock replied.

This did not ease John's mind. He simply sighed deeply and wandered out of the room to dispose of the knife throwing machine. Sherlock would not get this one back anytime soon. John made sure of that.

Sherlock wandered out into the living room 20 minutes later, where he found John napping on the couch. He looked so peaceful laying there so Sherlock tiptoed passed, careful not to wake him.

John always took a 40 minute nap before work because he felt that it helped his brain to function better, so it had become a ritual now.

He twitched suddenly in his sleep, causing him to roll off of the chair onto the floor with a thump. His eyes flew open and all he could see was Sherlock leaning against the wall with his hands steepled against his chin as he deep in thought. He hadn't even flinched at John falling off of the chair, so John figured he was too deep into his mind palace to help.

Clambering to his feet, John sat back on the chair, waiting for Sherlock to surface from his mind palace. They needed to talk still and John had to tell the Sherlock the news before he went to work.

About 15 minutes later, Sherlock snapped out of his mind palace and stared straight at John.

"Oh you're awake I thought you would have slept for a little while longer." Sherlock smiled.

"I slept for 2 hours Sherlock, you were supposed to wake me for work. I only woke when I did because I fell, which was not fun." John explained.

"I had something important to do. I'm not an alarm. Why aren't you at work anyway?"

"Because... I have some good news."

"What news?"

"We are in the clear. The murder was covered up and we are free." John exclaimed excitedly.

"Oh good."

"But Sherlock, there is something else I have to tell you." John sighed.

"Is it important?" Sherlock asked dismissively.

"What? Y-yes of course it is important Sherlock!!"


"Oh for God's sake! Do you ever care about anything Sherlock? I have to go away for a month okay... It's a medical conference trip. I'm going to America and I won't be able to see you for a while. I thought you might be interested to know, but I see I got that wrong." John explained angrily.

Sherlock flinched as John raised his voice. He could see that something was wrong but he couldn't make out human emotions. So he simply smiled and strode forward to peck John on the cheek.

"You don't need my permission. It sounds important so I think you should go. I can for myself." Sherlock soothed John.

John forced a smile onto his lips and grabbed his bag from behind the sofa that he had packed weeks ago. He leaned up to kiss Sherlock sweetly on the lips, lingering for a second, before he walked down the stairs.

"Goodbye, Sherlock."

"Goodbye, John."

John made his way downstairs and got in an awaiting cab. But he wasn't off to America on a conference, he was on his way to a leading oncology hospital... Where he would receive treatment.

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