Chapter 19 - Acceptance

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John woke around noon to the sound of soft breathing beside him. As he turned he saw Sherlock sleeping soundly in the fetal position, with his chest rising and falling calmly.

John needed to get up to run some errands but he didn't want to move and disturb Sherlock from his sleep, so instead he curled up to him, nuzzling his face against his neck.

He then placed some light kisses along Sherlock's throat, tasting the saltiness of his skin against his lips.

Sherlock stirred beneath him so he froze, unsure of what to do.

"What are you doing, John?" Sherlock mumbled with his eyes closed.

John didn't answer with words, instead he leant over to press his lips lightly against Sherlock's for a few seconds. Then as he pulled back he whispered "Morning.".

Sherlock's lips formed into a grin as he opened his eyes to look at his dear Watson. His lips tingled from the pleasant but unexpected kiss.

They lay together for 15 minutes until John had to get up. He kissed Sherlock's cheek and climbed out the bed to pull his clothes on. Sherlock watched after him, wondering what the strange aching sensation in his stomach meant. He didn't want John to go.

John grabbed his stuff, making his way out of the bedroom door and down the stairs. He couldn't stop smiling from ear to ear because Sherlock actually hadn't pretended that nothing had happened between them. Usually he would, but not this time. John knew that there was a lot of work to do between them though because Sherlock doesn't like feelings and John had made him feel.

After John had left, Sherlock felt a strange sense of loneliness and boredom. He climbed out of John's bed and got dressed, then he headed downstairs to attempt to carry out an experiment.

It didn't end well, he set of the smoke alarm 3 times and burnt his hand twice, after that he stopped experimenting.

John arrived back a few hours later with shopping bags in hand. When he saw the mess everywhere he put the bags down and freaked out. He couldn't believe the mess that Sherlock had made in such a short period of time.

"Sherlock what have you done in here? This place is an absolute mess and I only went out for a few hours." John asked in a demanding tone.

"Calm down John! I was simply experimenting and it got out of hand. I apologise." Sherlock explained calmly.

John rubbed at his face with his hands, trying to calm himself.

"No, I am sorry. It's your right to do whatever you want in our flat, I'm just pent up." John sighed.

He sat down in his chair, staring out of the window at the houses opposite. His hands clenched at his sides like he always did when he was stressed or angry.

Sherlock slowly approached him, sitting in the chair opposite him so that he could see his face.

"What happened John?" Sherlock asked briskly.

"I bumped into Magnussen while out and by bumped into I mean he dragged me into the back of van and drove me to a deserted place. He said to tell you that you still owe him and if you don't pay up he will kill me. The worst part is that my 'secretary' Mirene works for him! She's been spying on us for ages, they've got everything on us Sherlock! Even pictures of our night in my office." John snapped.

Sherlock hesitated on the spot, rubbing his temples.

"I will sort it. Don't worry John, I have a plan." Sherlock assured John.

"Okay. I want this done and sorted Sherlock, I'm sick of looking over my shoulder all the time. I might as well be back in the war." John sighed.

Sherlock nodded and carried the bags of shopping that John has brought in, out to the kitchen. John followed after him and they unpacked in silence.

As Sherlock was putting cans away, John noticed the burns on his hands. He grabbed them in his own.

"What happened to your hands?" He asked, worried.

"I burnt them whilst experimenting." Sherlock explained.

John tutted, pulling Sherlock over to the first aid cupboard so that he could patch him up. John cleaned the wounds and scolded Sherlock as he kept protesting.

"Sherlock just let me do it. Stop being a child" John scolded sternly.

"It's fine, you don't need to patch me up John. I don't want bandages on." Sherlock protested.

John ignored him and applied the bandages before putting the first aid kit away.

"There, all done. Now was that so bad?" John mocked.

Sherlock scowled at him, turning his face away childishly. John pulled his face back around to look at him.

"Do you want to eat out tonight? I fancy some pizza or maybe pasta." John asked.

"Sure, I really am not fussed John. You know I won't eat much anyway, I'm not in the mood." Sherlock replied in a sulky tone.

John looked down, confused as to why Sherlock was acting so weird, had he really been offended by a little teasing? The only way to know was to ask.

"Sherlock, why are you being so...out of character today. I was only teasing you a minute ago, I'm sorry if that got to you." Asked John cautiously.

"It didn't get to me. I don't act on petty little teasings!" Sherlock snapped.

"Okay. I just thought I'd ask, you know like friends do." John mumbled, irritated by Sherlock snapping at him.

" If you don't mind, John, I have work to do."

"Fine, Sherlock. I have things to do too anyway."



Sherlock skulked off to his room and John to his own room. Neither of them wanted to speak to each other and they didn't even particularly know why.

Sherlock flopped onto his bed, putting his arms behind his head as he sighed. He did not like arguing with John, but he didn't know how to express any other feelings.

John sat at the desk in his room, writing on his blog about events that had occured recently, although not the argument. Once it was all off of his chest and written down, he flopped onto his own bed and curled up. He wanted to go to sleep and forget about the days events for now.

As he was on the brink of sleep he heard his bedroom door open and close, he knew who it was so he stayed still. Sherlock climbed into John's bed and curled up under the blankets. He said nothing to John, nor John to him, but John turned to wrapped his arms around him like he always did to help him sleep.

Everything was silent and Sherlock suddenly whispered "Sorry, John."

John scooted closer as soon as he heard Sherlock's apology and he whispered it back "I am sorry too."

Before John went to sleep he leaned over and pecked Sherlock on the cheek.

"Goodnight, Sherlock."

"Goodnight, John."

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