Chapter 9 || School -

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Important detail:
All of them are in highschool please ignore that I mentioned they were in elementary in this chapter I thought about it so I changed it. I'm so sorry for the sudden changes because I got so confused and I have to blame myself for not updating. I'm so sorry again for coming up with crappy plots.

I'll be writing it in third person's point of view! :)

Also they are already teens here. I don't want to confuse you guys. :)


(Y/N) woke up to the smell of breakfast being cooked. She stirred a bit before sitting up then giving small stretches. She rubbed her droopy eyes then looked at Jimin's tidy bed. She frowned.

"He didn't even wake me up." (Y/N) frowned then slipped off the bed.

(Y/N) walked towards their bathroom then washed her face. The cool water waking up her sleepy face. She proceeded by brushing her teeth and straightening her nest-like hair. She walked out feeling fresh then opened up her closet. (Y/N) placed her finger on her lip pondering on what she would wear on their first day in school.

"I'll go with something simple then."

She got out a black skirt that reaches her knees and a white polo short and some brown boots. While tying the last pair of shoelace her stomach growled, clutching it, she went out and down the stairs and into the kitchen to be greeted by her father and mother. Jimin no where in sight.

"Good morning sweetie." Father greeted (Y/N), while reading the newspaper.

"Morning." (Y/N) replied curtly, still looking for Jimin.

(Y/N) gave up then sat across from her father.

"I made eggs and bacon dear, eat before this gets cold." Mom smiled then placed it on your plate.

"Thank you." You began eating.

You hummed in satisfaction.

"This is really good mom!" You grinned at her.

"Thank you dear. Now eat up or you'll be late!" Mom piped up and continued washing the dishes.

You finished your breakfast with a silent burp, patting your stomach. You remembered Jimin.

"Dad have you seen Jimin? I haven't seen him earlier."

"Oh he's probably outside by the porch waiting for you." Dad took a sip of his coffee.

"Thanks!" I picked up my bag, which my mom already prepared,"We'll be going now."

You bowed then went out of the kitchen and made your way to the door. You opened it to see Jimin sitting by the porch his bag hung loosely by his shoulder.

"Oppa? You ready to go?" You asked him.

He jumped a bit startled from you. He probably didn't hear you going out.

"Yeah... Um.. Sure." He stood up then walked ahead.

You pouted then ran up to hin to walk beside him. He noticed that and kept his distance. You pouted even more at his cold actions and hugged his arm taking him aback.

"Oppa! Stop ignoring me~" you whined cutely at him, knowing he can't resist your aegyo.

"I-I'm not i-ignoring you." He stuttered, slightly pulling his arm away.

You frowned. You let go of his arm and placed the distance he was meaning to create earlier. Jimin noticed this suddenly felt bad. He tried to reach to you but a certain person blocked his hand from touching you.

"Hey (Y/N)!" Kihyun greeted (Y/N) with his signature smile.

He inserted himself between (Y/N) and Jimin. Jimin was about to protest but then stopped himself. His blood boiling but he stayed calm.

"Oh hi there kihyun oppa." (Y/N) smiled back at him.

"Why didn't you wait for me? I told you that we'll both go there together." Kihyun pouted which made (Y/N)'s heart flutter.

Not knowing why that happened she looked away from kihyun's adorable face and tucked a piece of hair behind her ear.

"I actually forgot. I'm so sorry."

Kihyun pulled on a sulky face but chuckled afterwards.

"I forgive you just because your adorable and I like you." Kihyun pinched your cheeks.

You can feel your cheeks getting hotter. Realizing this, you pulled your face away from him before he notices this.

"So adorable" he thought, smiling to himself.

"I came with Jimin oppa though." You smiled at him looking at kihyun's side.

Your smiled faded when Jimin was nowhere in sight again. You looked at your front and saw Jimin walking quickly as if avoiding something.

"Yo bro wait up! School starts around 8am it's still 7:30am." Kihyun said, checking his watch.

Jimin slowly came to a stop and then turned to the both of us.

"I have things to check up on." He replied briefly.

"Like what?" Kihyun countered.

"Schedule of my classes." With that he ran away.

"Tsk." Kihyun pulled on your hand knowing that your sad that he left you again.

"He could have done that with us." You whispered quietly.

"It's okay I'm still here though." Kihyun  assured you.

You gave him a small smile.


You both arrived at your high school. You stopped and looked around. This was your first time looking at a real school. It's sad to think that you only saw what a school looks like in the orphanage in tvs and such. Kihyun snapped you into reality and pulled you inside the school. Your eyes taking in every detail of the school. It's cream colored walls to its white patterned floors and it's pastel colored lockers. Kihyun leads you and stopped at one of the classrooms.

"This is your room." Kihyun got something out of his bag then handed it to me," You forgot your schedule. Your mom gave it to me when I stopped by your house."

"Thank you oppa." You said and placed your schedule back into your bag,"I'll be going in now."

Kihyun nodded then hugged you. Even though it was a quick one it felt like hours. He pulled back and gripped on his bag straps smiling innocently at you.

"Good luck. See you later at lunch. Wait for me here okay?" He smiled, giving you his motherly orders.

"Okay oppa." He gave me a final smile then left.

You smiled silently to yourself and went in your room with a fluffy feeling in your chest.

Both of you didn't know that Jimin was just there clutching angrily both his and yours schedules that he got from the office.

I'm sorry for the upsetting ending. In the next chapter you'll be meeting the rest or some of the members of BTS and Monsta X.
I'm also so sorry that's this chapter is all about you and kihyun I'm listening to their new album and got inspired.

Please do support monsta x! :)

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Also if you're a big fan of Ikemen/Cybird games i have a youtube channel that does walkthroughs!

Youtube: peachy ikemen
Twitter: @peachy_parkjm

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