Chapter 16 || i hate snakeu~

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After that small, well not quite small, incident that happened at the rooftop. Jimin returned to his normal self in the morning, which was ignoring my existence. I tried to open him up again but everytime i do that he pushes me away and it hurts, to think that he will actually change after that night. I cried myself to sleep every night. Not even bothering if Jimin could hear my cries or not. I laughed bitterly. If he could have heard my cries, he would've have been comforting me rather than pretending everything is peachy.

"I'm gonna miss you my babies!" my mom cried as she hugged as both.

I let out a small giggle and rubbed her back, an effort to calming her down. Jimin on the other hand is a different story. The smile on his face as mom hugged as both looks fake, almost as if he doesn't want mom to hug him.

"Mom don't cry too much! We're only going to college. No big deal." i kissed her cheek.

Mom lets go of the both of us and i spared Jimin a glance and it almost looked like he felt relief, like he has been entangled by a snake.

"Still! I wouldn't be able to see my babies anymore. You guys grew up too fast." my mom cried.

My dad walked in beside her and placed her face on his shoulder as she continued to cry.

"The both of your stuff is at the car. The truck will be at your apartment a week after for the rest of your stuff." my dad said, cradling mom in his arms.

It warms my heart seeing them like this, seeing how they love each other so much. Just like how Jimin and I was before. I brushed that sad thought off and replaced it with a smile.

"Yes dad. We'll remember." Jimin replied, the tone in his voice almost seemed like he wants to get this over with and leave.

I mentally cursed at him for being insensitive.

"Honey, say your goodbyes already. So they could move in to their new place." Dad chuckled at her.

My mom removed her face from my dad's shoulder and sniffed a bit. I kinda laughed at that because she almost acted like a kid having their candy stolen.

"Al-right alright."

She walked over and gave me a peck on the cheek while cupping my cheeks.

"I'll miss you, my sweet princess." mom spoke so softly, her thumb slowly running over my cheek.

"I'll miss you too mom."

She gave me a tight hug and moved back. She looked over to where Jimin was standing.

The look on Jimin's face is indescribable.

"I'll miss you, my sweet chim."

Jimin cringed at the pet name mom said to him. His hands stayed by his sides as mom engulfed him in a hug. I saw him visibly flinched at the contact and i could only wonder why.

"Weeeeeell, we'll get going now." Jimin pressed his hands on mom's shoulder and softly pushed away.

Mom doesn't seem to mind what Jimin did but that bothered the heck out of me. My mom moved back and stood beside my father.

Jimin and i both hopped in the car, Jimin being the driver since he got his license first. Jimin inserted the key and the car roared to life. He placed his sunglasses on and i rolled my eyes at him. Being all cocky won't make you attractive. I stole a glance at him again to see him running his hands through his soft hair.

Okay on second thought he is hella attractive.

I looked away from him as i could already start to feel my face heat up just by looking at him. I looked over at my window and saw my parents waving at us. My mom's eyes puffed up due to her endless crying while my dad, being the man he is, holds back his tears. I giggled and waved back at them with much enthusiasm.

"Aren't you going to wave them goodbye?" i politely asked Jimin.

I am too happy and nervous right now to start an argument with him so i used my nicest voice to talk him over. He gave me side glanced through his sunglasses and rolled his eyes. He stuck his hand out of the window and gave them small waves. I looked back to my parents to see them so happy to have Jimin actually acknowledging them.

A few minutes passed and the house was already out of sight. The tunes from the radio softly plays and Jimin quietly humming along the lyrics as neither of us were talking. It wasn't awkward since the two of us grew familiar to this kind silence.

"Thank you by the way." i started.

"Hmm?" he hummed, his eyes still fixed on the road.

"For waving goodbye to mom and dad. They looked so happy." i mumbled.

My fingers were tapping on my thigh as a habit of getting shy.

"Yea sure."

He gave me a curt nod and said nothing else.

I smiled at that. He actually replied back to me instead of just nodding. I looked out the window to see cars along the highway. I started to doze off and the soft tunes of the music playing pulling me to a sleepy trance.

"Go to sleep. You must've been tired."

Jimin's voice surprised me. I have never expected for him to say anything else. My insides started to feel bubbly. Is he starting to warm up to me?

"I will oppa." i paused and closed my eyes, "i love you."

I don't care if i won't be receiving a response because i am already satisfied he actually listened to me today. Just as i was about to doze off, his response caught me off guard.

"i love you too."


I know i promised for more lengthy chapters but i still have lots in store for the next chapters so i ask for your patience to kindly wait for me ㅠㅠ


This is my first time entering this Watty Awards and i am quite nervous to be honest so i humbly ask all of you to please do support this book ㅠㅠ

That is all. Thank you!

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Ps: i love reading comments on certain parts of the chapters so please do so! It gives me motivation to write. :)

Also if you're a big fan of Ikemen/Cybird games i have a youtube channel that does walkthroughs!

Youtube: peachy ikemen
Twitter: @peachy_parkjm

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