Chapter 11 || School 三

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"Oh ah H-Hyung." Jooheon stuttered.

Even though Jooheon was taller than Kihyun he was still scared and intimidated. I would be too because kihyun gives off this vibe that makes you scared of him you thought.

"So now you call me Hyung?" Kihyun smiled sarcastically at him. Taking steps towards Jooheon's figure.

"Hyung, Jooheon was just kidding around no need to make it so serious." JungKook slid himself inbetween them.

"Mind your own business." Kihyun spat, glaring at JungKook.

You felt like this was getting serious so you pulled Kihyun away from the two boys. You grabbed his shoulders making sure that he looks at you. Kihyun looked at your eyes and forgot about his anger towards his younger. You knew he calmed down a bit so you let go of his shoulders and gave him a small smile. Kihyun smiled a bit but immediately looked upset when his eyes travelled to your forming bruise.

"Who did this to you?" He asked, more like demanded.

You immediately shook your head and covered your bruise but Kihyun didn't believe it and walked towards the two boys again.

"Did he do it (Y/N)?" He asked pointing at JungKook.

"Of course it's not me! We just met today and I'll beat her up? Dude what do you think of me? I don't beat up girls!" JungKook yelled at him defensively.

Kihyun on the other hand ignored him, still looking at me as if he needs confirmation.

"Oppa I'm telling you it wasn't either of them." You grabbed on his shoulder.

"Then, who was it?" He looked at you.

"I did it to myself." You looked down a bit embarrassed.

"How? How did that even happen?" Kihyun looks so confused.

You explained to him everything but left out the part that you were thinking about him which made you slam your head because that would be embarrassing. Kihyun understood what happened and apologized to his dongsaengs. The four of us walked out of the room then headed to the cafeteria.

"But don't think I'll let you off the hook Jooheon." Kihyun glared at him.

"But why hyung?" Jooheon whined.

"So now you call me hyung?" Kihyun rolled his eyes jokingly.

"Saranghae hyung!" Jooheon did some aegyo and we all laughed.

We reached the cafeteria and immediately sat down at an empty table.

"Um sorry to say this guys but I'll be going to my hyungs table." JungKook scratched the back of his head.

"So you're ditching us?" Jooheon pouted. It seems to you that the two had gotten close.

"I'm sorry I'll make it up to you next time." JungKook smiled then left.

"Actually I have to go to." You stood up and grabbed your bag.

"Not you too!" Jooheon cried, pulling on your bag straps which made you sit back down again.

You laughed at his adorable actions but stood up anyways.

"Where are you going (Y/N)?" Kihyun asked, frowning.

"I have to go see Jimin oppa. I promised myself that we'll eat lunch together."

"Can't you do that next time? I mean school just started." Kihyun reasoned.

"I can't. I'm sorry." You both gave them a hug then left to look for Jimin.

You found him at the back of the cafeteria near a huge window. It wasn't hard finding him since the cafeteria really ain't that big. You got closer and noticed he already made two friends.

"(Y/N)? What are you doing here?" JungKook piped up.

"Oh JungKook-ah."

All of their heads snapped towards you and you immediately became shy. You looked at all of their faces and your cheeks started getting hot. Why are they all handsome? T-T

"Sit here (Y/N)-ssi." JungKook pat the empty seat beside him.

You sat awkwardly sat down since they're still looking at you. You looked up to see Jimin staring right back at you. You gave him a smile but he looked away. You frowned at him.

"So guys this is Park (Y/N). I just met her today and she's super nice and super weird." You looked at JungKook and 'lightly' punched his shoulder.

"Yah! How dare you introduce me like that." You glared at him but he just chuckled at you and rubbed his shoulder.

"It's true tho." JungKook whispered and looked at his hyungs. "Introduce yourselves fools."

"Hello I'm Kim Taehyung." A boy with orange hair said showing off his rectangular smile.

"Nice to meet you." You smiled at Taehyung.

Silence engulfed us. You put out your lunch and started eating. JungKook on the other hand was looking at Jimin.

"Aren't you going to introduce yourself?" JungKook poked Jimin.

"Oh there's no need he's actually my bro-"

"Bro friend." Jimin immediately piped in.

We all looked at him confused.

"What's a bro friend?" Taehyung asked him.

"Oh um... It's a... Me and (Y/N) are bestfriends so we made that word up." Jimin stuttered.

"So she's a sis-friend?" Taehyung looked at him confused.

"Yup. Something like that." That's all Jimin said and started eating his lunch again.

"Weird." Taehyung mumbled.

You looked at Jimin and started wondering about his weird behavior today. He avoids you, ignores you, and even disowns you as a sister. Your eyes became watery but you blinked them away.

"Are you okay?" JungKook asked.

I could feel Jimin's stare bore to me.

"Yeah I am." You gave him a fake smile.

"Oh I was just wondering. Your eyes looks puffy and kinda red. I thought you were crying or something." JungKook mumbled then ate.

"Ani. I'm fine. Something just went into my eye." You laughed while rubbing your eyes.

You finished your lunch and packed your stuff.

"I'm going now. Thank you for letting me eat with you guys." You have them a smile and stood up.

"It's fine. You can eat with us anytime." Taehyung smiled at me while JungKook nodded.

"I appreci-"

"She can't. She got other friends to be with." Jimin spoke casually.

"But were friends too." JungKook pouted

"Aren't you her bestfriend? You're suppose to hang out with her." Taehyung said.

"It's okay guys. I'll be going now." You gave a small bow then left before your tears would fall.

You ran outside the cafeteria and sat down by the tree. You apparently ran towards the field.


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