Chapter 6 || Crushed

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Jimin's POV:

I held (Y/N)'s teddy tightly. I bet (Y/N) is gonna be so happy when she sees her teddy back. Especially when I'm the one that found it. I can't bear (Y/N) being so sad all the time. It doesn't suit her beautiful face. I smiled at the thought of her face.

"Hey Jimin" dad spoke up suddenly, making me jump a bit.

"Yeah dad?" Turning my attention to him.

"You like (Y/N) don't you?" My eyes widened. I felt my cheeks getting warm and immediately looked down at my lap.

"I-I... But she's practically my s-sister now, I can't like her, I just can't" I whispered the last part. I can't let anybody know my feelings towards (Y/N) it would destroy me if she ever knew and starts avoiding me.

"In all honesty Jimin, you two look good together and I don't mean it as brother and sister, i mean it like you two are a couple" Dad straight forwardly said to me without breaking contact on the road.

Something inside of me kinda made me happy or somewhat confident. I cracked a smile then looked at my dad then back at (Y/N)'s teddy. Maybe dad is right I can't hide my feelings for (Y/N) forever. I need to tell her in the right place and right time. I can't really tell her now. Even if we turn 12 years old, (Y/N) still doesn't know the definition of love and for me I think she's not yet capable of that.

"But your mother on the other hand" Dad paused, swerving the car to the left. "She's not in favor in anything to do with incest related matter"

I craned my head to the side, not knowing what he really means. He jumped a bit out of realization.

"Opps I forgot I'm actually talking to a kid" Dad laughed a bit,"My bad"

"Incest means liking who is closely related to you" I nod my head, processing on what he just said.

Dad sighed,"In other words, your mother doesn't want you having feelings for (Y/N)"

I gulped. So that's what those stares means? She wanted me to look at (Y/N) in a sister kind of way? So I've been showing everybody that I am inlove with (Y/N)? I furrowed my eyebrows together. This is too much for me.

"Actually your mother told me that she wants to have a talk with you later" Dad said, frowning.

I nodded, not in the mood to talk anymore. My emotions inside of me are jumbling everywhere and I can't seem to control it. My father approved of me liking (Y/N) but my mother don't.

"But we aren't even blood related" I said, hope laced in my voice.

I mean mum can't be like that. Me and (Y/N) were born with different parents. I started smiling widely, maybe mum will change her mind. I looked at my father with hopeful eyes but soon faded to see his head shaking in disappointment.

"That's the exact same thing I told your mother but she's not having it."

The car started to slow down and familiar neighborhood started to pass by. Minutes passed, and dad parked the car right outside our house.

"Blood related or not, we are family and family are not suppose to look at each other in a romantic way" Dad said sadly. He unbuckled his seatbelt then turned to me.

I looked outside the window to see (Y/N) laughing wildly playing around the small oak tree we have. (Y/N) is currently peeking behind the tree giggling then something popped out behind the tree and tackled (Y/N) to the ground. It was a boy and he looks the same age as we are. He was tickling (Y/N) and both of them were laughing like they are the only people in the world. My blood started to boil. The familiar feeling of me getting mad again started coming back. I closed my eyes and started to breathe slowly. My hands making it's way towards the car door.

"Jimin don't do anything stupid, okay? Don't get jealous over everything. (Y/N) needs to learn to have friends other than you. She can't be under your wing forever. You need to learn how to let go" Dad stated gently,"I'll be heading inside now, don't forget to talk to your mother later." With that he got out.


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Btw sorry for making you guys confused.
I'm sorry for the short chapter.

Also if you're a big fan of Ikemen/Cybird games i have a youtube channel that does walkthroughs!

Youtube: peachy ikemen
Twitter: @peachy_parkjm

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