1. Aspen Quinn

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Hello Guys! Yes, I am posting two new stories at once. Lol, I've been in a writing frenzy lately. This one is yes, another fanfic because I'm a professional Fangirl and unoriginal af lol anyways for those who don't know what Shadowhunters is, it is a TV show on Freeform. It's based off of the books by Cassandra Claire, I've never read the books but I love the show. Now this doesn't follow either the books or the show. There are parts that will make reference to the show but it's all my own version of Shadowhunters.

Anyways, I hope you enjoy. If you do then please Vote & maybe leave a Comment. Thanks, Happy Reading!

"I don't know Izzy!" I groaned in annoyance hearing Jace and my sister arguing again. Isabelle wanted to go party and Jace oddly enough didn't feel like it. "Trouble in paradise?" Izzy smirked before sashaying away to her room. Sashaying? By the angel. Could I be anymore gay? Or well, technically I'm bisexual but still.

I went back to filling out reports for the recent demon activities in the local area and tried to keep my mind on my business. I couldn't focus though, something was wrong. So I go and check on my family. Isabelle was sitting in her room, painting her nails. I rolled my eyes before continuing on to Jace's room. My wonderful parabatai. Hence my sarcasm. I love the guy, but he can be an arrogant ass sometimes.

"Alec! What's up?" Jace greets me, looking up from his phone. "Do you know where Clary is?" I ask, a very bored tone instantly hits my voice, I hate nothing more than having to pretend I care about the clueless redhead. Jace's smile falls "She's uh with Simon.. Why?" I sigh before walking over and sitting down on the edge of his bed, he joins me seconds later. "I don't know... I just have this feeling something is wrong, but everyone's okay. You're fine, Izzy is fine, the institute is in perfect performance--" My words were cut off by the wards breach alarm.

"Your senses are better than ever" Jace smirks before we jump and run to the weapons vault. Ready to attack whatever hideous demon come through the door.

Third Person

Izzy was by their side in seconds. Oddly, when the doors opened, a tall, beautiful woman walked through, not a demon. They were all confused. Alec's mother walks up behind them, turning the alarms off. "Always one for the fashionable entrances, aren't we Aspen?" Alec and everyone just eyed his mother, Maryse oddly. "Maryse Lightwood! Long time no see my dear" The woman smiled and hugged Alec's mother. "Sorry for alerting the hounds, you know.. Fangs and all" Maryse laughed and continued chatting away with the woman as everyone put away their weapons.

Alec just eyes the pair. His mother rarely smiled. If this woman was just someone from Idris, then why did the alarm go off. She did say fangs. But the institute never allows vampires in. Aside from Simon of course. Alec was confused but more by the fact that it was bothering him. Jace being Jace, he walks right up and uses his 'charming' smile. "So, looks like a mundane, triggers the alarms like a downworlder, and yet she's a family friend?" Alec's mother just smiles and says "Yes she is, so I expect you and everyone else to be on their best behavior" That's mother's way of telling Jace to keep his eyes in his head, Alec thought to himself.

The girl or well, woman turns to Jace with a certain sparkle in her eye. Alec walked up to interrupt before she can speak. "Who's this?" he asked, motioning towards the stranger with the bored tone that is his 'Resting Bitch Face' as Izzy calls it. "Alec, this is Aspen Quinn. Aspen, this is my son Alexander, and his parabatai Jace Wayland" She smiles at Jace and nods before turning towards Alec. "So you're the Alexander Lightwood?" He raises an eyebrow at her. "Magnus Bane talks quite fondly of you" Alec's stomach churns at the mention of his name "Or well, he did.. Before disappearing" The girl seems saddened by her own words. Before Alec can ask her why, Jace speaks up "Well, welcome to the institute. I have been assigned to show you around" Aspen smirks and raises an eyebrow before walking away with Jace.


"Keep an eye on him. I don't need him messing this up for us" I eye her, before questioning "Mess what up? Who is she?" My mother smiles and says "You'll see" Before walking away. Oh no. This won't end well. I try to catch up with them, without being seen. Even from far away I can tell that Jace is flirting with her, I again roll my eyes.

"So.. This is where you train?" Aspen asks Jace. He smirks and grabs a bo-staff and starts twirling it around at a fast speed. I stare at the woman, she's tall but that could be the heels, she wears white ripped jeans and a cream colored sweater that shows a bit of skin if she raises her arms to adjust her what I'm guessing is very long hair, that's currently wrapped up in a prestigious bun.

Her blue-green eyes sparkle with mischief. Wow, okay Alec. You're starting to sound like Mag- nevermind. I'm brought out of my thoughts by her voice. "Let's see what you've got, shadowhunter" Aspen speaks, almost tauntingly. Jace scoffed arrogantly. "I could never fight a girl, especially once as inexperienced as you" Ooh bad choice of words my friend. The girl seems either angered or annoyed by Jace's statement.

Instead of speaking, she grabs a bo-staff and within seconds, Jace is on the floor with Aspen standing over him smirking. "Oh it's on" Jace says cockily. I watch the two fight, going at a superspeed, Jace seems to have no issues keeping up with her but she seems to know all his tricks.

"Not fair, you're using magic" Jace complains, sounding like a 5 year old. Aspen laughs and says "Oh darling, I can promise you that no magic is involved or else you'd be severely injured right now"

The amusement is too much for me to handle, so I start clapping loudly as I walk towards them. Aspen looks my way, which gives Jace a chance to catch her off guard, or so he -and even I- thought. She predicts his move and jumps out of his way, the staff just barely missing her face. "Typical Shadowhunter" Aspen laughs, before giving Jace a hand up. He walks a few feet away, grumbling under his breath. I laugh again before turning to Aspen. "It's not every day I get to watch Jace get his ass kicked, thank you. That was... quite amusing" She smiles and looks over at Jace who's now sending me death glares.

"My pleasure. Jace is quite the fighter, stronger and faster then most shadowhunters I've had..... The pleasure of fighting against." Aspen pauses, leaving us to wonder, much like Magnus used to do.

"Magnus?" Aspen speaks up, I look at her oddly. Did I say that out loud? "What?" Jace asks, walking up to her. "Oh.. Sorry, I could have sworn I heard your parabatai here say Magnus' name" I eye the mysterious woman, she smiles a full smile and I almost lose my shit -as does Jace- when this beautiful, seemingly normal warlock shows off her pearly white fangs.


Hey sorry that it switched Point Of Views so much in this chapter. I had some issues with transferring it from my personal files to wattpad so I had to fix it to make sense. It hopefully won't have to switch as often in the future.

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