5. You're Back

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“Shh, don't wake her”

“But Clary is ready to murder someone. She may not have done the spell but she should be able to undo it”

I heard Alec and Jace having a conversation in my room by my door, watching me sleep.

I roll over to face them “What is it that you need?”

They both jump in surprise to see me awake. “Sorry if we woke you” Jace offered.

I rolled my eyes and stood up, using magic to change into fluffy PJ pants and a oversized fluffy gray sweater.

“I'm up now, might as well tell me what's wrong” I groan in annoyance when they just stand there.

“It's… Clary” I roll my eyes. Of course it is. “What now?” I ask. Alec smiles and says “We wanted to see if you could change her hair back, she's driving us nuts”

I nod and do some magic, doing the spell to undo the green hair. “There she should be fine” Clary walked in this time with pink hair. “WHY?!” she screeched. I cringed at the sound.

“Something's up.. The spell should have worked. I'll be back” I went to their library and started reading up. After an hour or two, I couldn't find what I needed so I opened a portal. “Hope you don't mind me borrowing your books” I mumble to myself before going through the portal to Magnus’ apartment.

I went straight to Magnus’ book shelves and started looking around. I couldn't find the book I was looking for. I huffed out a breath in anger and stood back, scanning the shelves with my eyes again.

“Looking for… This?”

I about jumped out of my skin at the sound. I turned around and there he stood…. “Magnus

Hello Biscuit”

I felt tears prick my eyes, “You're back!”

I ran into his arms, hugging the life out of him, -which in theory would take ages cause he and I are both immortal-

“I'm sorry I was gone for so long biscuit” I reluctantly pull away from the the hug and look at him.

“Where were you?” I ask, just glad he's back and I can feel his magic again. I was scared he was dead.

“I was captured, by Valentine. Dot helped me escape, which sadly got her killed--” Magnus paused, a moment of silence for the fallen warlock.

“--I got away but was badly hurt and didn't have enough magic to heal myself let alone send out a SOS. I was in the deep Alaskan wilderness. Thankfully some hunter found me and bandaged me up. She gave me a warm place to stay until I had enough strength to heal myself and come back home”

I could feel the tears falling down my face but I didn't care.. He was back.

“It's okay.. All that matters is you're back” I say, happily. Wiping away the tears. Magnus smiles and says “I am… And I missed you Biscuit.” I smile and say “I missed you calling me that” He smiled and hugged me again.

Seconds after, my phone rang. It was Alec. I looked at Magnus and he shook his head. I smiled, knowing what he meant.

I cleared all evidence that I had been upset or crying and answered the phone.

“Hello, Aspen Quinn. Sassy Warlock LLC” Magnus chuckled behind me.

Alec laughed on the other end “Hey, where did you go?” I smiled, watching Magnus rearrange things. “I'm at.. I'm at an associate’s house. Looking for a spell that isn't in the books at the institute” It wasn't a complete lie.

“Oh OK. Well whenever you find it, can you hurry? Clary is driving me friggen nuts and I'm about to commit murder” I laugh and say “I shall” Before hanging up.

“You did the spell on Clary’s hair, didn't you?” Magnus smiles slyly. “I had to do something to get you to come here” I smile, missing his tricks.

“You know how to undo it, it's as simple as the spell I taught you as a child about changing your outfits to meet today's latest fashions” I giggled and nodded.

“I know.. I just wanted an excuse to come here. I missed you and being here made me feel close to you” Magnus smiles sadly and hugs me one last time. “I know biscuit and I'm sorry” I shake my head. “No need. I have you back now and that's all that matters” He smiles and hands me the book. I look down, seeing the spell I need and then back through the portal I go.

“Alright..  I'm here to save the day…. Again” I groan. Clary is sitting impatiently on the couch in her room. Jace rolls his eyes at her before smiling at me. “Thank you for hurrying. I thought Alec was going to kill her”

Just Alec?” I ask with a lifted brow and a knowing smirk. Jace mimics my smirk and walks out. I recall the spell Magnus showed me and I do it, finally returning the annoying redhead to her previous color.

“It's about time!” She yells before walking out. “You're welcome” I say to no one at all. “Thank you, maybe next time whoever did that, can put a lock on her mouth” Alec complained. I laugh and he just smiles at me. “You resemble Magnus a lot when you do that” I nod my head, apparently Jace did not tell him.

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