4. Angry Fray

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“What is your problem?” Jace snaps the moment the portal closes.

“Yeah seriously. Aspen has done nothing to you. She told us what you said about her… About Magnus. I thought he was your friend?” Alec looked more upset, Jace looked more mad.

“Alec--” He just walked out, I turn to Jace who just glares at me and walks out. I suddenly feel a tingling sensation on my head, I scratch my head and go on, not really paying attention to it.

“And secondly--” Alec walks in, about to sass me out again before stopping and staring at me with wide eyes then he busts out laughing. “Oh my god. Hahahahahah your hair!” He's laughing so hard he can barely breathe. I go to the nearest mirror and scream in horror. My hair is suddenly a bright neon GREEN.


Aspen wasn't joking. We literally portaled to London. “This is the most amazing thing ever” I gush, looking around at the beautiful city.

“It's all for you. Let's go buy London” Aspen says with a smile. I blush and then laugh at her words and then we're off..

~Le Time Skip With A French Accent Haw-Haw~
(Okay I'm not funny)

We jump back through the portal hours later, arms filled with bags. It was amazing!

“There you girls are! Mom's been asking about you two for hours” Ah leave it to mom and Alec to ruin a good time.

“Oh damn, I'm sorry. I kept Izzy out longer than I said I would. Please, let me talk to Maryse” Alec’s mad glare broke into a small smile.

“That's alright.. You're not used to our strict schedule and alright, she's in her office” Aspen smiled and nodded before walking out, leaving her bags sit in her wake.

“What was that, big brother?” I ask with a knowing smile. He never let's up that easily. Alec turns to me with a glare. “I have to be nice to her, mom said she’s important to the Clave and we can’t get her angry.” I roll my eyes, there’s the Alec I know.

“Whatever. I had fun so screw your training” I hurriedly stomped away to my room.


“Maryse?” I knocked on the door to her office lightly. “Come in!” I heard the woman call. I opened the door and entered her office, closing the door behind me.

“Oh, Aspen. There you are. I wondered where you had run off to” Maryse seemed very relieved.

I put on a sad face. “Oh Maryse, I'm so sorry. I wanted to go shopping and it's so dangerous out there for us downworlders especially the… Rarity ones like I… As you understand. and I was just worried about going alone and I knew the boys aren't much on shopping so I asked Miss Isabelle to company me as a shadowhunter..  bodyguard of sorts. She said she had training and I asked her to skip just for today. I'd feel just terrible if she got in trouble because of me”

Maryse’s face fell and she smiled. “Oh dear. That's fine, it was very good of her to do so. She won't get in trouble, I promise. Thank you for telling me. I was just worried about everyone's safety” I smiled and nodded.

“You're a good woman, Maryse. This institute is lucky to have you and your children. They do a lot of good” I made sure to include Alec and Isabelle into it before smiling knowingly and walking out.

As soon as I was out of the room, my fake smile fell and I sighed. This was more stressful than I'd first suspected. I just wanted help finding Magnus.

I'm not one for Shadowhunter drama.

I go to Isabelle's door and knock. “Go away Alec” I hear Izzy call. I smile and say “Sorry but even with heels I'm not that tall”

I can hear her jump up and run to unlock the door. “Aspen, I'm sorry. I thought it was my brother..” I smiled at Izzy as she shyly apologized.

“Don't worry about it, I just wanted to let you know that I spoke to your mother. I explained that you went with me to protect me, as your Shadowhunter duty while I shopped. I explained that you were reluctant to miss training but I insisted” I lied to Mrs. Lightwood, we both knew it.

But neither of us cared. “Thank you.. So much” Izzy smiled and hugged me. I hugged her back and could practically feel her blushing.

“No problem, it was my fault for taking you away without permission. It's the least I can do” It was true.. I liked Isabelle. She didn't deserve the strain her mother put her under.

I decide to go to my room and relax for awhile, which doesn't last long. Soon after I lie down, my door is busted open and a angry sounding Fray girl stomps in.

You did this to me!” She accused. I groan and sit up in annoyance. “What on earth are you-- Oh my. What in angels name did you do to your hair?” I try my best not to laugh at her neon green hair.

“I didn't do anything! You did it!” Clary accused. I roll my eyes and laugh. “Oh please, I didn't do that. Trust me, I'm better than that” Clary rolled her eyes “Then who did it?”

I shrug with a smile before turning back to my bed and trying to sleep. “Aren't you going to do anything?” I laughed and said “Sorry, I'm off duty

Clary angrily stomped out of my room. I fell asleep a few minutes later.

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