6. Warlock Marks & Parabatai Runes

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“May I ask you something?” I look up a few hours later from the book I've been reading by the window in my room. Alec is standing by my door. I nod and he enters, shutting the door behind him. I quickly do a silencing spell, making my room soundproof. Knowing that there are some… Nosey Shadowhunters in this institute.

I turn in my seat and Alec sits in front of me. “I don't want to sound… Well rude but I am curious about something

I laugh, “You want to know how I can coexist as a warlock and a vampire, right?” Alec blushes and nods.

I smile and say “Well, I do crave blood. Human food keeps me satisfied but not as long as blood. I have fangs and speed but I also have magic. I can walk in the daylight as well” Alec nods, seeming very interested. I smile, knowing what's really on his mind.

“You wanna see my warlock mark” I state the fact, Alec again blushes awkwardly and says “Well, I was more curious as to if you had one or not”

I chuckle and nod once “I do indeed” Then I show him. Snake eyes. Magnus has cat eyes, I have snake eyes. He jumps back, seeing as I didn't give him any warning.

Then he leans closer, looking at them. “That is so cool

I laughed and sat back against the window, changing my eyes back. “How is it you and Magnus both have different eyes as your warlock mark?” I was hoping he wouldn't ask.

“Because we're related” We both jumped at Magnus’ voice behind Alec. He seemed more surprised then I did, obviously.

“MM-Magnus.. You're..” Magnus just smiled “Hello Alexander

Alec dove into Magnus’ arms. He tried to explain where he had been. “I don't need an explanation right now. Just please hold me” Alec pleaded. Magnus smiled and said “Of course”

I smiled and excused myself. I knew they needed their time. I went to the kitchen, where Jace was standing, peeling an apple. “Hello there shadowhunter” I greeted, picking up a piece of the peeling and taking a bite. He smirked at me. I smiled, showing my fangs and he laughed.

“Why's Alec so happy?” He asked, I looked down to where I knew his Parabatai rune is then back up at him. He nodded.

I smiled “Magnus is back” Jace’s face lit up, I nodded but stopped him from running off, by grabbing his arm.

“Leave them be. They need time” He got the picture and nodded. “So what happened?” Jace asked, I shrugged. “Valentine”

Jace stiffened “I thought the Clave had him?” I nodded, “They do. His.. Son or whatever still runs everything though”

Jace groaned. “Just when I thought things were getting back to normal. I laughed “They aren't a threat. The Clave has the sword and the kid is too immature to really do any damage”

Jace rolled his eyes at the mention. “Yeah but they still have the mortal cup” I smile slyly and say “In….. Theory they do” His eyes lit up. “What do you mean by that?”

I smirk and walk away. He chases after me. “Aspen” He calls.
With a chuckle, I reply “Jonathan”

“Funny” He says, “Cute” I state.

“What?” He stops, confused. I stop and turn to face him. “Oh, I thought we were now stating obviously facts about one another” I say it with a shrug, nonchalantly.

Jace realizes what I meant and smirks “You think I'm cute?” I laugh “Honey, I'm a warlock/vampire hybrid but I'm not blind!” Before Jace can say anything I sense another vampire and an annoying redhead. I turn and see them watching us.

Clary. This must be your day-lighter boyfriend” I state, walking up and inspecting him. “W-Who is she?” I chuckle “Relax sweety. I'm one of you… Or well, in a way” I show my fangs and he jumps back.

“So cute but so cowardly” I tisk. Jace scoffs “Tell me about it

“You're a vampire?” Sam I think it was asks. “Why yes, Samuel. I am. Sort of.”

“Simon. And what do you mean sort of?” He corrects. Ah. Simon. It fits.

I use magic to make a blood bag with a straw appear. He jumps back again.

I smile and start drinking through the straw. “Warlock/Vampire hybrid, freak of nature, abomination, take your pick. I've been labelled all of them” I say, unfazed. They all seem taken aback by what I confess.

I offer the bag to Simon, who turns his nose up. I roll my eyes and make it reappear but in a glass. “Better?” He takes it with a puzzled smile.. “Thanks” I laugh and walk back to Jace.

Clary is obviously still not used to her boyfriend drinking blood. As she turns her nose up. “So what are you two lovebirds doing here?” Jace acts like the word is poison on his tongue. “We're going to train together, Simon wants to learn more battle training and I want more of a challenge”

I am not able to stop the blatant snort of laughter that falls from my being. “Well, that was certainly unattractive” I say, with a slight look of disgust on my face. Clary rolls her eyes and Jace smiles. “There is nothing that's unattractive about you. I can promise you that” I watch how he closes his eyes when he puts emphasis on words, even has a small smile about him. Cute.

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