Malec Fluff

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So while I was going through some of my old work, I found a little Malec fluff one shot type of thing I wrote ages ago. I thought you guys might enjoy it so I'm posting it even though it has nothing to do with this book which I finished a long time ago lol


Alec was sitting on the couch at Magnus’ apartment, waiting on him to get home when Jace stumbles in with yet another Seelie girl. Alec finally having enough of it, jumps up and tells the girl to get out. “What the hell, Alec?” Jace yells, angry and slightly drunk.

“I don’t care what happened at the institute. You just can’t stay here anymore, get out” Alec seethed. Jace glares at him before angrily stopping off and throwing his clothes into a duffel bag and then storming out. Just as the front door slams shut, Magnus walks out of the portal just before it disappears.

“What happened?” Magnus questioned his boyfriend, setting down his briefcase. Alec sighs and wraps his arms around Magnus’ waist. “Nothing, all that matters is Jace is gone and we’re finally alone” Magnus smiles and says “Well then.. In that case” Alec smirked before walking Magnus backwards towards his bedroom.

The next morning, Alec laid awake. Watching Magnus as he slept soundly. A loving smile plays at his lips, Alec softly runs his fingers through his boyfriend’s hair.

Magnus starts to stir, so Alec pulls him closer, snuggling down deeper into the blankets. He enjoys a few more minutes of pure bliss before getting up and making Magnus breakfast, as he does every morning after he stays with him.

Just as Alec finishes the last pancake, he feels warm arms snake around his waist. Alec smiles at the feeling before turning and greeting his boyfriend with a hug and kiss. “Good morning”

Magnus smiles into the kiss and says “Mmm.. Good morning Alexander”

The men sit and have breakfast in a comfortable silence, but with each bite, Alec gets more and more anxious. Magnus can tell but doesn’t ask, knowing that Alec isn’t going to tell him.

After their food is gone and Magnus uses magic to clean up, Alec disappears into Magnus’ spare bedroom for a good hour. In that time, Magnus is able to get dressed and do his makeup and repaint his nails to match his blue outfit for the day.

Just as Magnus is about to question Alec, he walks into the living room with a big smile on his face. “Let’s go for a walk” Alec suggests.

They walk through the city, stopping at a few shops to window shop. Alec buys Magnus a single rose. “It seems like a really mundane thing to do but-” Magnus cuts him off with a kiss. “Thank you, Alexander. I love it” Alec smiles, getting lost in Magnus’ eyes. “Let’s go to the park” Magnus suggests, Alec smiles and takes his hand, interlocking their fingers.

They walk around the park until they find a huge oak tree beside a small bridge. Magnus stops Alec beside the tree and pulls him close, Alec smiles into the kiss before pulling away and sighing in content. “I need to ask you something” Alec says, deciding it’s now or never.

Magnus laughs quietly to himself. “I was just about to say the same to you..” Alec suddenly feels nervous, Magnus takes his hand and smiles “Alexander.. I know you have your duties at the institute and everything, but you also have a duty to yourself… Alexander, would you like to move in with me?”

Alec’s eyes all but bug out of his head, then once Magnus is on the verge of tears, he quickly says “Of course! By the angel Magnus, please don’t cry. I’d love to”

Magnus wipes his eyes as he sighs in relief. “I’m sorry, I guess I was just in shock” Magnus can see Alec’s cheeks reddening as he stutters. “It’s fine, Alexander. I was just afraid I was moving too fast”

Alec starts laughing, much to Magnus’ confusion. “Magnus Bane, you may be the high warlock of Brooklyn, but you’re also the High Warlock of My Heart.. What I’m trying to say is-” Alec slowly gets down on one knee, thinking about how the last time he did this, was because he had to, now? Because he wants to.. Because he loves Magnus.

“Magnus Bane.. Will You Marry Me? Alexander Lightwood?”

Magnus feels faint, he’s never been on the receiving end of a proposal. “I… Alexander…”

Alec feels sick to his stomach, he’s going to say no. I’m moving too fast. Luckily before the full panic attack sets in, Magnus finds his words.

“Alexander, I have lived for centuries and never have I felt as happy as I do right now.. Yes, I will marry you!” Alec’s face lights up, he quickly stands up and kisses Magnus with more love and passion than he’s ever felt in his entire life. As they pull apart, Alec slips the ring onto Magnus’ finger.


Hope you enjoyed it! Lol like I said I wrote this ages ago.

Until Next Time,


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