Chapter Thirty-Nine

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H o l l o w s I n

Our dorm door was already open. I walked in and shut the door, the sound of the click announcing my entrance. But no one came out to greet me. Weird. Is Jameson here? I dropped my bag onto the floor and slipped my shoes off. I crept towards Jameson's door, of which was half open, and peeked into his room.

Then Jameson came out of his bathroom. Steam followed him out. He was in his towel.

I squealed, quickly slapping a palm over my eyes, "you could've warned me that you were in your towel!" I exclaimed. I looked through the gaps in between my fingers to see Jameson raise an eyebrow at me.

"Well, I did just have a shower." Jameson retorted. I deadpanned him, removing my hands in a fit of outrage.

"How was I supposed to know that?" I yelled. Jameson snickered at my reaction.

"The tap running, the bathroom door shut, the fact that I didn't hear you enter.." Jameson could've given me an infinite amount of reasons. But he didn't. He either didn't have enough time, or he wanted to save my dignity.

"Jameson, not everyone has freakish hearing like you!" I exclaimed, earning a full-fledged bellow from Jameson. I crossed my arms over my chest.

"I'm leaving." I muttered, turning around and closing Jameson's door behind me. Jameson, who cackled in his room, seemed pleasantly amused. I was glad that he was laughing at me. I'd rather that than have him loathe me for leaving him earlier. Letters from a criminal over Guardians—right?

Whilst the awkward moment that had just occurred raced through my head, I couldn't help but think that the moment seemed familiar. Then I remembered. This is how my brain functions these days. I can't actually recall things off my fingers like you would with your family's birthdays, but I seem to be remembering events by having something in my reality remind me of them. Is that a bad thing? Does it mean that I've forgotten everything?

No. It's not a bad thing. As long as I am frequently reminded of everything I have lost, then maybe there's a chance that I can gain it all back.

I remember. I had come in from the shower. I was clad in only a towel.

"So it's ten past–" Jameson had entered at the wrong time. He had frozen at the sight of me.

"Sky, you could've told me you were in your towel!" Jameson had exclaimed.

"Well, I thought it would've been a bit obvious since I did just have a shower." I smiled at it all as it danced across my vision. Why couldn't it be that easy now? When my biggest problem was having to share my room with a boy?

"You have ten minutes!" He had shouted. Then he left. And he never came back for me.

"What did Cassie want to talk about?" I jumped half a foot in the air, not expecting Jameson to come back, especially after the awkward incident, so quickly. It was ironic, really.

I turned to face Jameson. He was fully dressed, his wet, slicked back hair being the only evidence that he had once showered. He waited for a response. But I wasn't sure. How would Cassie feel if I gave her secrets, told in confidence, over to someone I didn't even trust?

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