Memories, Painful Memories

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Wow chapter 8 can I say wow, never thought I'd make it this far with this story welp let's do this


The countries were all back in the meeting room. They weren't ready for this but it was going to happen.

Whether they liked it or not.

China picked up the book. "I'll read now, aru. This belongs to Mexico."

"Which one ?" Both Mexicos asked    

"North Mexico, Diego

                     Dear Diary,

 I miss my parents so badly. I know Maria does too. It was really nice of Native America to take us in but still it's not the same. I remember when my mother used her last breath to tell us to run. I remember when Spain killed our family, friends, and tribe. I remember when he ran after us but luckily he didn't find us. I remember when I met America, Canada, and Native America they took us in after and became our family. But still I want my parents back, my real ones that were ripped away from the 2 of us. It's not fair."

Sobs could be heard from Maria at the mention of their parents. They didn't like too think about those times.

Spain had tears falling down his face, he didn't care back then all he cared about was gaining new land during the race for the New World. Taking out any body who was in his way. It took so long to gain the 2 Mexico's trust after he colonized them.

To them, more specially to Maria he was known as the man who 'killed Mama and Papa' and it hurt so badly.

All a sudden the book started lighting up, a beam of light shot out of it. The room started getting misty.

When the mist finally cleared away. They saw the light shining up to the celling and it looked like...... an image ?

Then the countries remembered the note that the Ancients left them about the memories.

Could this be it ?

The image soon changed it was moving now.

Yep this was it.

It showed a man and woman with 2 children in their arms running towards a tent.

"Ve~ who's that"

"That's us and our parents, they were taking us to safety when Spain and his men started attacking our people." Maria choked out

They saw the Aztecs fighting and defending themselves with bows and arrows. While the Spaniard soldiers were fighting with guns. There was a lot of blood.

A lot.

They saw a young who looked like Spain ?

The memory changed back to Maria and Diego.

"Mama what's happening " A young Maria asked  

Their mother had tears in her eyes.
"My children bad men are trying to take over our people's land"

Spain winced at being called a bad man.

"Why, did we do something wrong ?" Diego asked.

The Aztec king looked down at his son.

"No, my son we didn't they just want our land to themselves."

All of a sudden more gunshots were heard.

Maria screamed

4 men entered the hut with guns.

Spain was one of them.

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