Ready for more ?

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Finally the break was over.

Philippines looked more relieved and was sitting next to Spain. Russia looked a bit happier too.

France then took the book.

"Is everyone ready ?" He asked.

Everyone slowly nodded

But in truth nobody was ready for   their secrets to be told.

France took a deep breath before opening the book.

"This one belongs to Belarus"

Belarus looked up at this.

Let's just say when people think  your extremely creepy.

Your thoughts tend to get really dark.

" Dear Diary
     Everyone thinks that I'm into incest. Eww ! I know I say that I want to marry big brother. But actually I don't the only reason I try is so we'll be closer. I miss the days when we were children and the 3 of us use to play in the snow together we were so close than. I even miss the Soviet Union days where the 3 of us were closer and like a ...... a .. a family. That's all I want. But I guess I can't have that. I always scare people off including big brother. Big sister Ukraine probably just tolerates me. We sometimes spend holidays together. They probably hang out without me. I'm tired of being being alone. I probably deserve too though. I just want to go back to the old days. "

Everyone was quiet.Nobody knew what to say. Nobody had expected this.

Belarus had her face down with tears running down.

"Little sister is this true ?" Russia couldn't believe it. All the times he had run from her, she just wanted to be closer like they were as kids.

Ukraine was feeling similar emotions. She knew that they weren't close as before. But did her little sister really feel like she deserved to be alone ? She had to fix this right now.

"Yes big brother it is " Belarus replied not looking up.

"Little sister no one deserves to be alone at all. Maybe we can visit each other more too. I do miss you two too." Ukraine said

"Really ?!?!" Belarus asked with her eyes lightning up 


Belarus got up and hugged her two silblings before sitting down and motioning for France to continue. But this time she had a smile on her face.

"The next one is a note about .... moi?
        France and England used to be a couple. But their relationship ended. After France signed over some colonies to England, the 7 year war, and the American Revolutionary. The colonies signed over were Canada, Guadeloupe, Seychelles,Dominica, Grenada,  Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, and Tobago. These said former colonies blamed and still do blame themselves for their parents break up. During the American Revolutionary, France helped America leave Britain's rule, during that time England and France argued alot and broke up again after getting back together. America also blames himself for their breakup.

France and England looked at said children.

They couldn't believe it

Truth was that the 7 year war wasn't going to really changed anything. The colonies that were being signed over would still be their children and they still planned on living together.

They weren't planning on braking up really. But when the 7 year war started up their bosses forced them to break up and made France go back to Paris. The looks of their children faces than were painful to see.

After the war, a few years later they got back together but when the American Revolutionary started up. Once again they were forced to break up by their bosses. They wanted to get back together but were afraid of being separated again.

Both countries motioned to said former colonies to follow out of the meeting room. For more privacy.

They needed to explain.

Once they left the room Prussia took the book.

"Zhe awesome me shall read now !!!
              Zhis is China's

China slowly sunk into his seat. After all when you lived for over 4,000 years.

Your thoughts tend to get a little darker.
              "Dear Diary
The house has been so quiet aru. I remember the days when I was raising my siblings. There was a lot of chaos. But.... I miss that. Sure Hong Kong still lives with me but it's not the same. My little brother Japan hates me and betrayed me. Taiwan, and both Koreas don't really visit me much. Vietnam, Thailand and I talk but that's only when we see each other ....... which isn't often."

The other Asian siblings looked at each other before looking at their older brother. They remembered the days we he used too take care of them. Truth was, they were as close as they would like to be. And they missed those days very much. 

But maybe they could fix this.

"May we speak to you after this China ?" Vietnam asked receiving a nod from China who was a bit surprised.

"It's 9:15 maybe we should leave this for tomorrow." Germany stated.

"That sounds like a great idea Germany "said England who recently came back with France and his other former colonies.

The nations made their way out of the meeting room and into the mini rooms Gary had made.


Knock Knock

France looked up and yelled "Come in !!!"

He was surprised to see England.

" England mon ami what may I help you with ?"

"Just coming to check on you, frog ....... well good-bye now."

"Anglterre wait,"

England stopped in his tracks


"Have you ever thought about us getting back together ?"

"No-yes-no-yes - I mean I don't know, I- yes I have"

"Can we ?"

England sighed and sat on the bed

"I want to but what if they tear us apart again France ?!!!! They already did twice and our own children blamed themselves for it !!!!!!!"

Now he was tearing up

France grabbed England and pulled him close to him. "Non,they already did twice before but I won't let them do it again. I promise you" He said firmly

Soon the two met in a  passionate kiss.

Before laying in the covers together. England's head on France's chest.

Rome and Brittania smiled from above as they looked on at their son/grandson finally rekindle their lost love.


I feel horrible, I haven't even done America or Italy yet.

Like honestly

But the Italies might be in next chapter.

The ships in this will be Fruk, Spamono, and maybe Rochu I don't know how'll I pull that off.

And I forgot to say this but

Any requests ???

I all open for them.

Next chapter I'll try to get America, Italy, Romano, and whoever else you guys request next

Ok bye !!! If I'm not lazy I'll try to do a new chapter


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