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Sealand P.O.V.

I'm about to talk with my brothers. I don't know how this is gonna go. Finland begged me not to talk with them.

But I have too. I want us to be close like the N.A. Siblings and even their South American cousins !!!!

I heard stories about my 4 oldest brothers bullying England when he was young.

Is that why he treated me the way he did ?

I hope that don't tell me they hate me.

What if they do ?

Well only one way I going too find out.

Man, I hope this works out in my favor and they don't hate me.

There they are.

Well here I go.

3rd P.O.V.

Sealand walked up to his brothers. He had hope that finally things between the 6 of them would be ok.

But that's all he was going by.


"Sealand we are so sorry for abandoning you, we didn't mean to hurt you like. But it was very bloody selfish of us." Ireland said first

"Why ? Why did you do it ?" Sealand asked on the verge of tears.

"We were so busy wanting to take care of our own countries we didn't even think about taking care of our baby brother." England said sounding guilty

Sealand took a deep breath and asked the question he just had to know. "Do you guys hate me?"  At this point he was crying.

The older brothers' eyes widened in shock. "No of course not lad we never did and never will." Scotland said. 

Out of all the brothers he felt the worst. He was the worst to England and didn't even bother with Sealand. He shrugged him away.

But maybe it wasn't to late.

Maybe he could repair his broken relationship with both his baby brothers.

Britannia smiled from above as she watched her sons head out to lunch. But as one Mother was smiling another one was on the verge of tears.

Native America was watching over her children as Canada kept trying to get America to eat.

"Al please eat please." he begged (if you read 'my little girl' this line should seem familiar ... yeah I'll stop now)

"I can't Maddie they'll call me fat" (another familiar line .... ok I done now)

"But your not" (Not even gonna comment on this)

"Yes I am just please don't make me eat."

"Al you barely eat at all"

"Alfie please" Maria begged her brother. She hated seeing him like this.

"Fine for you but only for you Mar" He always had a soft side for his sisters. He hesitantly took a bite out of the whatever you guys want to say cause I really don't know. And forced himself to swallow it down.

Native America sighed.

The countries who insulted her son didn't know the real America, the true America. She didn't understand. I mean yeah her son had interfered with wars that didn't include him but he did it to help. He didn't deserve this.

No one did.

The woman covered her face as sobs started to rock her body. The Aztec king and queen came over to her.

During their time in limbo the 3 had gotten closer. They shared stories of their children and became close friends.

The king and queen even wanted to meet Canada and America !

"It gonna be ok, he'll be okay" The queen tried comforting her younger/older/ idk friend.

"I hope" was all Native America said. As the other tribes came over to see what's wrong.

Down back on Earth .......

North Korea watched as his siblings talked and laughed with one another. This secrets revealing it had gotten them closer. Maybe it could do the same for him.

He lifted up his sleeves and looked at his cuts.

         You deserve them  he thought

He looked back at his family. Did he really deserve them ? He was just the outlaw kid anyway.

And besides he had caused his twin so much pain. He was a horrible brother.

But wanted South to know that he cared for him. But how ?

The Ancients all smiled at the fact that they knew the Koreas would become close again.


Very soon


Wow I haven't updated in what ? 3 weeks.

I'm in a 'whatever' mood right know so I'm just going to ask some random questions.

That might become a thing in this book. IDK

Do any of you all listen to Hamilton ? If you don't than DO IT.

Are Native Americans called anything else in your country if your not from America ? (for those who live in Mexico or Canada)

What your favorite ice cream flavor ? Mine is cookie dough.

Favorite candy ?

I've been stuck in a Disney music marathon so I'm in a mellow mood. You know, I think it's because I want to sleep. Yeah that might be it.

Well I think I'm gonna look up some brotherly Korea fanfics and maybe some North Korea x America (it's a very interesting ship that I want to learn more about)

Man this chapter was short only about 870 words. I usually go for 1000 in this book. Oh and if any of you have any depressing Liechtenstein headcannons send them in.

You know I really think I am tired.

Oh my gosh I think Dateline's on right now got to go. Bye !!

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