We're all equal

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America rushed down a hospital hallway. There was blood on his leg. He ran into a room.

A girl was asleep in the bed. 

"Alfie !!" A voice called. Arizona came rushing down the hallway. "Is she going to be okay ?!"

"I hope." Was all he could say. He looked to the girl. "Hawaii's strong she'll be okay."

The memory faded. 

Japan felt guilt consume him. America saw this. "Japan I forgive you I honestly do. Besides we did way more damage to you than you did to us."  

Japan looked up and smiled. "May I meet her and the other states ?"

"If you want to, sure"

Liechtenstein handed the book to Hungary because she's been reading for who knows how long.

"This next one is about China

China has two bosses: A human one and a dragon one.The difference between them is that he is extremely scared of his human bosses. While he's very familiar with his dragon boss, having known him for centuries, he's too uncomfortable to voice his opinion to the human ones. China once beat up his dragon boss with a Hello Kitty doll.

Ok, at that last part everyone started cracking up. Once again, something to lighten heavy atmosphere. Cause lets admit it.

Things were getting very depressing. 

"Can I meet your dragon boss ?" South Korea asked.

"I don't think you want to really, you might want to meet him now but when you do you'll probably regret it." China replied.

"The next one is Romano's

                           Dear Diary,

Spain finally came back from his meeting with another country. He brought back souvenirs. He gave me a sack full of bananas... and gave mio fratello a gold necklace with emeralds and diamonds... I should've spect it. He has always like Feli better. Everyone does. Hell, even I like him better than myself."

"Stop !!!" Italy yelled, startling everyone. "Fratello you have to stop comparing yourself to me. You're good in so many things that I'm not. Please stop."

Before Romano could say anything Spain started to speak.

"He's right Roma, you shouldn't think of yourself like this. Promise me you'll stop."

"I don't need-"

"Promise me." Spain said firmly. He really wished Romano stopped thinking about himself this way. He had feelings for the younger nation. And it hurt him to hear how low Romano's self esteem was.

"Fine I promise." 

"This one is a note about China and Taiwan.     

                    China and Taiwan fight a lot, even physically. Once, Taiwan kneed him down there. Instead of looking hurt, China looked a little embarrassed and extremely angry. He punched one of Taiwan's breasts to make a point of how it feels to get hurt in an intimate area and since then, Taiwan has never hurt a man in such a way. On the other hand, she was glad China did so because, while not a feminist, Taiwan is all about gender equality.

Taiwan simply nodded. This is a real problem all around the world. No gender- nobody should be treated differently because of anything.

Race, religion, sexuality, ethnic, gender, disability, weight, body type .

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