Learning more about our Parents .......... And China ? Pt.3

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China was still looking around the place. "My nation is doomed with that boy." He muttered.

A mist started to form, "Not anymore." A voice said.

He looked around to see his dragon boss appeared.

"What do you mean ? Why are you here ?"

"The boy is gone." The dragon simply said.

China's eyes widened, "You mean ... Did you-"

"I did what had to be done. Come with me, you are the nation of China."

China looked a bit sad at learning about his son but nodded anyway.

The dragon started to surround him as mist started to form.

When it cleared, the two had disappeared.

The memory changed.

They had appeared in China's house.

The countries were shocked to see China.

He was China.

But a kid.

China looked about 4-6 years old. "Wha- what happened to me !?!"

"You were brought back to Earth so it seems started out a new life, you are the same person but you'll have to grow again."

"What ? I can't represent a nation like this !?!"

"Then I will raise you." The dragon simply said. "Come with me."

The two started to walk out the house.

China had his head down as he thought about his son.

The dragon looked at him. "I know your thinking about the boy. But he was greedy and selfish, he never thought about the people of China. What had to be done was done."

China just nodded.

The memory faded away.

It was slient.

So slient that you could hear a pin drop.

That slient.

"I'm very glad he's gone." Someone said.

They all had turned to Japan.

He was looking right at China. "If he was still here today..... Who knows how your nation would have been rike today."

"Yes he is right." Germany asked.

"Ve~ I'm glad he's not here."

"Yeah dude !" America said, he kinda could relate.

After the Civil war he had nightmares for 2 weeks.

They were all about what his nation would have been like if the Confedrancy had won.


"If he was still alive who knows how we would have turned out." Vietnam said looking at China. With sounds of agreement from their other siblings.

He slightly smiled and nodded.

There were times when he thought about how his nation would have been today if he wasn't brought back.

His mind did tend to get dark at times.

A lot of times.

Many nations also shared their agreements on the subject.

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